Deliverance From The Bondage Of Spiritual Wife And Husband

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Deliverance From The Bondage Of Spiritual Wife And Husband

Deliverance From The Bondage Of Spiritual Wife And Husband

Spiritual wife and husband are the toughest and stubborn evil spirits
that is presently tormenting the life of many single sisters and brother
and also the married ones. These evil spirits has disgrace the life of
many believers and shattered their Joy of salvation due to lack of
peace, financial breakthrough, marital turbulence and failures emitting
around their lives.

Spiritual wife and husband is very smart evil spirit because it's more
silent than silence. It doesn't inhabit in the life of animal or harbor
it's dwelling on tree but rather made to inhabit human bodies. And
whenever it got cast-out of it host, it will keep wandering around,
gazing and monitoring for a slight means of infesting it host, and
whenever it returns, the life of the victim always flows with dejection
and torment.

This is reason, whenever you got delivered from the spiritual wife or
husband after series of deliverance prayers you must not condoned any
iota of sin or else the latter state of your life will be grievous than
it former.

How Does Spiritual Wife And Husband Gain Access?

There are diver’s ways or loopholes that often give spiritual wife and husband legal ground or access into one’s life.

  1. Foundational powers or evil covenant:

  2. Exposure to szxual immoralities.

  3.  Immodesty dressing.

  4. Witchcraft manipulations.

The Signs That You Have Spiritual Wife/Husband:

  1. Engaging in szxual contact in dream.

  2. Swimming in dream.

  3. Eating in dream.

  4. Giving birth in dream.

  5. Always seeing children around you in dream.

The Danger Of Spiritual Wife And Husband:

  1. Poverty and wretchedness. 

  2. Marital stagnant.

  3. Backwardness and failures.

  4. Barrenness/sorrow in marriage.

  5. Lack of promotion and life challenges.

How To Be Delivered From Spiritual Wife And Husband:

  • Born Again: Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, remains pure and maintain inward and outward purity.

  • Total Separation: You need to removed every form of jewelries, makes-ups, women trousers, worldly movies/friendship, cut-off girl/boy friendship, remove every artificial hair, attachment, wool, thread and rubber used in hair plaiting and remains natural. Cut off romantic movies and seductive chats and remains spiritual focus.

  • Genuine Bible Church: You "must" change your
    church "asp" if her vision doesn't focus persistently on salvation
    messages. If your church is persistently emphasizing on marriage
    discussion, inspirations, business, prosperity and without much
    emphasizes on rapture, eternity, heaven and hell, judgment day, restitution and danger of sin. Please pull-out “now”
    and kindly inquired for a genuine Bible believing Church where you will
    be impacted spiritually in God's fearfulness in readiness for rapture.

  • Devotion To Church Service: Always create time to attend
    mid-weeks church fellowship and try as much as possible to involve in
    night vigils and Bible reading or studies.

  • Personal Warfare: Now, you are ready for "Spiritual Battle"
    and must pray like a wounded lion. Please don't leave any stone
    unturned. You must hate that evil spirit with perfect hatred if you aim
    for total deliverance from spiritual wife or husband.

Though you might also go for deliverance prayers in your church, but i
would advise you engage seriously in personal deliverance prayers.

The Deliverance Prayers Against Spiritual Wife And Husband:

At exactly 12 am (Mid-night or Morning), awake and position yourself
spiritually and pray below few prayer points. Pray very aggressively
with Holy anger and madness because a close mouth is a closed destiny.

  1. You spiritual wife/husband, i command you to appear by fire;  (Be
    serious and focus spiritually and with your hands in demonstration, as
    if you are cutting a piece of meat) I cut off your Breast/Peniz by fire
    in Jesus name. (repeat severally).

  2. You spiritual wife/husband, i bind you (Mathew 18:18)
    and all your powers and dominion over my life and cast you out into the
    deep pit and seal you up with an unquenchable fire of God in Jesus

  3. You spiritual wife/husband, i divorce you and command you to sign a paper of divorcement now in Jesus name.

  4. I command all the children i have gives birth for you to be roasted by Holy-Ghost fire in Jesus name.

  5. You spiritual wife/husband i command you to vomit all my glory you
    have stolen (be specific), and to be restored back to me now in Jesus

  6. Every damage done to my destiny by spiritual wife/husband be reversed, in the name of Jesus.

  7. Every witchcraft hand planting evil seeds in my life through dream attack wither and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.

  8. Every demonic chants, spells, and projections made against me by
    spiritual wife/husband, i bind and cast them out, in the name of Jesus.

  9. I lose my destiny/marriage from any demonic bewitchment, in the name of Jesus.

  10. I degree and command my husband/wife (if you still single) to appear and be connected to me now, in the name of Jesus.

Lastly, always monitor your dreams and whenever you behold any attack
after praying those prayers, please don't be scared because your prayers
hit it target and you must likewise increase it tempo! Don't give-up
because God always answers prayers he will surely see you through in
Jesus Name.

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