Heaven Host
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Dream Dictionary is one guide that aid people how to organise their dreams alphabetically in the dictionary. It is a book that gives us the meanings of our dream. Every of our dream needs a good direction from the code of dream dictionary. All our dreams have to be  written down in order to generate meanings from the word of God. In Genesis 1, We read that God created the heaven and the earth. This was done through organising and directing. His vision and plans for mankind was superb. Meanwhile we shall be running series of dream dictionary on this platform in our subsequent post. Stay tuned!


If see yourself under the earth, it means the spiritual  wickedness has been sent to fight you with determination of your ancestors. You have to pray with the Psalm or you will go extra miles in this battle of your ancestors’. Ps. 91, 121, 59, with 3 days fasting prayer time, 9, 12, 3, 6


This is a bad sign of danger and trouble coming. This dream may be directed to you or anybody in the dream. If the dream indicates fatal road accident, then it safe to say that the spirit of untimely death is ravaging. Soak yourself and family with the blood of Jesus. The powers of the devil behind this dream may want to fold your plans. Sometimes, through this dream, God might be sending a warning not to embark the journey. This is the area you need to listen and obey His word. It could bring fear and anxiety. Reject it. Pray with Ps 23.4


This means a life of rejection and hatred. It is a bad sign that no one wants to help you after hearing your story of life. Not everyone you share your story to, bewise. If you dream of abandonment, that shows that someone has forgotten you. Do you have someone who has promised to help you? This dream may disallow him not to render the help. but I pray that you will be remembered in Jesus name. Pray with Ps121:11


This is an awesome dream. With this kind of dream, you are guarantee flying abroad. In a nutshell, abroad dream means a person blessing or glory is about to be spread abroad like Father Abraham. When yourself flying abroad and you landed their safely, congratulations, you have defeated stagnancy and overcome success. If it happens you were unable to fly abroad, or miss your flight as the case maybe, kindly go for deliverance because that could be your last opportunity if care is not taken, God will help you in Jesus name.


Acid is the instrument of darkness. When acid dream becomes so serious, it means you have enemy of progress who is after your life. If the person wickedly poured the acid chemical on you in the dream, it shows that the enemy wants to hinder you, and kill your beauty. Once your skin is damges, it kills the interest of people not to move closer to you. This dream can scatter affairs! Also This acid dream normally occured between woman to woman. Acid is a spiritual chemical that destroy people. Pray with Psalm 28


Accommodation in the dream is a sign of peace and comfort. If you see yourself in a good accommodation is good, if it is bad one, its also a good dream. The most important thing here is that you have a place to stay and live. But if you find yourself accommodating people into your house, I urge you keep doing your goodness, one day, it will pay better for you. Do good at all times one day, you may entertain or accommodate the Holy Spirit. When you are in trouble, this dream should calm you down. In everything, give thanks to God. Pray with Ps 55:22, 1 Peter 5:7

7. ALCOHOL: To drink alcohol is to harbor sin and fornication. If you drink alcohol in the dream, it means that you are putting your life at a great risk or loss. It could lead to death, memory loss and severe sickness. Those who still drink alcohol should repent before problems multiplies  Isa 59:2, Rom 8:35

8. ANT: If you see ant in your dream whether on your bed or in your rooom, sometimes you should ask yourself this question: “Whats ants doing in my room? That should give you a meaning that their presence over there is evil but destruction. You cannot see ants in the dream and expects to grow and prosper. From the ant world, they are agent of darkness against peoples success and peace. So the enemy work harder to disappoint people. If they are much, it indicates problem. Reject it. Pray and fast for 3 days with Ps 28

9. ACTING; The bible says the gift of a man will make a way for him. so what this mean is that God wants you to make use of your talents, gifts and potentials. A a clear symbol that you should never relent on your dream. in a clear term, this dream means you are on the pathway of success and favour.

10. ADDICTED: Addiction is a something that you cannot do without. So if you are addicted to good thing, for instance, reading the bible in the dream, you will be addicted to become a teacher in the physical realm or better said, good things will follow you. but If you dream finding addiction in bad thing, that bad thing will produce bad fruits in your life. Whats your own addiction? Is it negative or positive? deal with it today. John 8:36

11. ADOPTION: Adoption is a case of adopting a child. If you dream where you adopt a child in the dream, if you are an expected mother, congratulations, God has decided to use that child to invite and open your womb. If this dream is regularly, kindly visit a government where you may wish to adopt a child of your desire. Care for the baby and take the baby as your child. You shall see the result of this positive aspect of this dream in Jesus name. (Isa 65:24)

12. ALMOST THERE BUT NEVER. If you are a candidate of this dream, kindly go for deliverance. Every time you dream where you are close to your breakthrough, all of a sudden, a demonic animal or spirit would hinder you. (Oba 1:17)

13. ANIMAL: Seeing animal pursuing you in the dream which indicates spiritual assassins. Enemy always uses snakes, dogs, cats, cows etc, to trouble their victims in the dream. It is dangerous when you keep seeing animals, for instance, snakes biting you, dog barking at you, cat pursing you as if you have aggreement with him. All this dream means that your foundation is weak. It is time stand up and  destroy every ancestral powers using strange animals to attack people at the edge of their breakthrough. Going for deliverance is advisable! (Is 54:15-17)

16. APPEARANCE: This is what we called look. If you dream where your appearance is good , it shows that you will soon receive favour. This dream opens doors of blessings and breakthrough. Appear to people well. But if you dream where your appearance is so bad, it opens doors for rejection, shame and lack. This is a place where people begin to mock you. On the other hand, if your dream where people condemn you for your holy holy apperance, dont worry, this is the place of the scriptue for you (1 Cor 6:19-20, 1 Sam 16:7)

17. APPOINTMENT: This is a symbol of supernatural divine favour. Whatever you are believing God for, is it job, contract job or advancement to a higher level, it is a season of answers prayers. Give God thanks and do not be static.

18. ARREST: This is a spiritual imprisonment and manipulation. When you see police etc that arrest you for the crime you did not committ, It is the plans of the devil to cage you in the prisonyard of delay, setback and regret. If you fail to pray against it, it could catch up with you. But more often than not, pray against any false allegation. Spiritual arrest is the total arrest of your dreams. When a man is arrested in the dream, his dreams becomes useless. When a woman is arrested in the marriage, her marriages suffers. I decree your helper of destiny will not face arrest in Jesus name


Seeing these peculiar men of God in your dream, praying or doing deliverance for you mean you will be free from your present problems. If they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success. Be wise


In your dream you see yourself being attacked by hoodlums or thief and you are robbed and wounded. This means that enemies had fulfilled one mission in your life whether familiar or financially to recover back you loses 3 days white fasting, use this Ps. 83 get olive oil read this Psalm into it on each prayer hour 9, 12, 3, 6 for the period of 3 days, get yourself anointed and declare your loses to return fasting in Jesus Name. Psalm. 27.

20. AXE

In your dream you handle an axe or you use it to cut trees or chase your enemies. It is a good dream. During your hard time and difficulties, you will always triumph over your enemies but be faithful with God always.


Seeing an apple in the dream means fruitfulness, recovery and prosperity



If you dream of an aeroplane flying in the sky, it means God is taking you to a higher place in life. If you pray hard, you will get there, in Jesus name. When you dream where you missed you missed your flight or unable to enter into the aeroplane, it means you are been cursed not to travel abroad. Particularly, there are powers behind this setback. Pray and fast.



Unlike climbing A MOUNTAIN, Ascending a hill is a sign of progress. If you are very focus and determine, you will achieve your destiny. Perhaps, you see an obstacle on your way, be rest assure that there are spirit of wickedness that hate to see you getting to your promised land. To fulfil your destiny, you must committ your ways into the hands of God. While descending means to return back. Descending back means :


  • Victory
  • Success
  • Fulfilment of destiny
  • Open doors



Angel in the dream means God’s presence and guidance is with you no matter your condition relaxes though you may be in danger at that moment. If you see an angel or angels in your dreams telling you to do things that are contrary to the word of God that’s satan transforming as angel of light don’t follow or carry the instruction in your reality because if you do may leads you to personal regression. 1 Cor.11:14

25. ANT

Seeing them many inside your sugar or otherwise, meaning your gain effort will be eaten or transfer to another person. 2 days fasting with 2 days night of prayer, use this Psalm 24, 50 your progress will return speedily recovery.


Seeing yourself sitting on the ashes, speaking of your level of status in life and this is lowest problematic of life. Psalm 18 with two days white fasting enemy want this to happen to you, you’ve to deliver yourself.
If seeing someone came to rescues you from this place which mean at your status presently you’ll be transform into glorious life be happy and be prayerful always.


If one is hit in dream is a serious attack from the forces of darkness. There’s much to talk about this dream, contact man of God for more detail or three (3) days fasting with Psalm.24, for effective action in your prayer hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9pm daily. Check the prayer point at the back.
If you short people with arrow in your hand in your dream it’s a weapon of victory at the present situation and you’ll in no matter your present challenges.


If you see this animal in your dream or you are attach by this animal, one of the darkness power living around your premises or work at your office, be careful of how you expose your issues when talking together. Micah.7:5, the answer into this situation is to be careful how you behave among people that smile with you when you appear to them.
If you kill this beast in your dream with hand or otherwise you’ll be victorious in your locality or familiarity.



Use the Blood of Jesus Christ within as follows:-

if the wicked dream of retrogression persist, in within three days bled the Blood of Jesus Christ into water for thirty mutinies before you sleep in three days.
if  eating, sexual and otherwise evil as meeting self at the same spot in the dream continue in your life, within seven days bled the Blood of Jesus Christ for an hour for each day into water drink and bath before sleeping for seven days
if persist or don’t see changes please Email me or call I’ll rely with under twenty four hours

31. BAG

If you carry bag traveling school or business bag, it is a dream of transition in your endeavor and what you need is found inside the bag, you will prosper in any engagement of connection.

32. BAIL

Seeing your have been bail out of prison or other yards by someone you know or unknown, mean your term problems will solve be determine, your prayer had been answer, financially you will be surprise physically. Give thank most in your prayer.


If seen yourself baking a beautiful cake or bread, this dream is also a fulfillment in endeavor keep on drying in your venture you will make it
If the cake or the bread is burnt is a bad omen, this means you may not see gain in your business during this time if you don’t want this to happen, 7 days fasting and prayer, time 9, 12, 3, 6, during the prayer and fasting time get olive oil and water, pray into this materials and use this Psalms 128, 129 and 130.


If you seeing yourself eating banana in a dream is a bad omen and problematic in venture, prayer of affliction has to be prayer for with Psalm 86 for 7 times into a cup of water and drink it.
If you are giving in a big basket with unripe is a fair dream, your expectant will not be eluded during your expenses


It is a sign of fruitfulness in venture, if cooked it another transformation of changes in status and levels together with your mate you will reach higher.


If you seen a banner written a word in it in your dream, means God is sending a divine message unto you, be watchful in prayer and fasting to know God’s messages for your people.
If the banner is black is a bad omen, mean the enemy assign your area for bad work be prayerful that the assignment of enemy will not overcome you, because God want you to know this


If you seen yourself been pray in tongue and fire is around with power of God, this also is called Baptism
If seen yourself been dip into Rivers water is also called Baptism, be prayerful to help yourself the more.


Seen yourself without shoe walking in your dream means a symbol of incomplete in your business, you must pray to recover it back with Psalm. 126 with 3 days fasting, and you will testify.
If you are with shoe neat and smart in your leg, belief during this you will be above your fellow, no matter your situation, be happy.


If you see yourself in the barrack of soldiers, means know that you have been captured by the power of darkness, there premises is not secure with civilian, pray for total deliverance for yourself if not it will be difficult to be delivered later in your life, Psalm 46 into olive oil and anoint yourself for 3 days fasting, time for prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and a dream will follow to deliver you and your total freedom of shekels of darkness.


If you seen a lawyer advocating for you, no matter your condition divine help will manifest to intercede on your behalf and you will win in any circumstance


Seen yourself in this condition and situation meant it may appear the same in the physical world, pray against this spirit, it will make you to elude blessing and opportunities get a water read Psalm 49 seven times drink and bath with 2 days fasting, from hence you are welcome into new world of success and boldness.

42. BEE

Seen this insert in your dream chasing you and bitten, mean you must stop speaking against some people around you or in your family, they may be in power of darkness, be careful how you use your mouth against men of great status in the spirit world.

43. BELL

Hearing the bell of prayer in your dream, mean during the time you have to come closer to God and his word.
Seeing yourself ringing the bell in the church or in the street preaching means it’s a message from heaven unto you and unto your generation, see the prophet for this


Seeing yourself blind in the dream is a bad omen, mean the enemy had showed you what to happen or what has already happened that you may not see the end of your life even the good thing people use to see, immediately you wake up use the Psalm 11, 12, 13 in water for 7 times in 7 days drink and bath on the last day with 7 days fasting.
If seen blind beggar in your dream begging for money and you give he or her money is a bad dream meaning the enemy had capture your treasury.
iii. If person you know blind in your dream is a straight forward dream pray for the person. This is hiding meaning


Seen yourself in  the boarding school with your mate mean you have been trying to be above your mate or friends but it’s impossible, read this powerful Psalm 102 into water and pray aggressively for DESTINY fulfillment 7 days into the water with 7 days fasting, time of prayer 12, 3 , 6 and 9.


If seen this creature in your home mean you have been possessed by one spirit
If seen this demon in your offices mean your business had been incarnate by the evil people around you. If you see this demon in your shop mean doom in your venture and it will cause problem of dept solution, 3 days fasting, get water, read this Psalms 27, seven times in each hour of prayer 12, 3 6, and 9 for the period of 3 days fasting, drink and bath with your choice of soap and sponge, victory is sure.


Seen a bottle cover with seal corked and wine is inside, it’s a good dream
Seen it been corked and empty is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and use this Psalms 72 and 38 for prayer to be refilling your success and spiritual ability.

48. BAT

Some of your friends or your neighbors are using double mind with you, so refrain from trusting them or somebody closer to you is about to betray your trust, trust God only


This is evidence of failure in your venture because it does not hold water pray effectively inside a water or small nylon bag of pure water for 3 days each bag for 3 day and fasting, use the water for sprinkling


This is a symbol attack on your glory. evidence of evil forces against you. 3 days dry fasting with Psalm. 59, 83, hour of reading 12 noon, 3, 6, 9pm before prayer.


Seeing the Holy Bible in your dream and you are reading or a passage was giving to you is a message from God. If burnt or stolen in your dream or stolen is bad omen that’s the enemy wants the word of God or your spiritual life to be unaccomplished. Pray for restoration in spirit and physical, 3 days to regain your low estate. Psalm.23, 24, 25


Sure evidence of spiritual cleansing or change of behavior on certain relevant issues. You will definitely change for good result character
If seen self secretly or publicly bathing with sponge and soap no matter your status or situation you will see divine improvement in your endeavors.

53. BALL

Seeing if in dream is a sign of unreliable friendship. Holding it tight means under any situation, their tricks will leak into your hand. If a woman, refrain from unreliable man or boys men who are in love with you for personal satisfaction only


Seeing them together in a different types in their creature is a sign of evil force are holding a meeting, which could be against the person who stumbles on them in his or her dream, in this situation, no need of panicking as doing so this will give them access to win, go on 3 days fasting with the following Psalm 124, 50, 83 use the name of Jesus Christ to rebuke such forces in prayer as for sword of fire to go on your behalf. Rearing bird in a cage, this is a point of your gain been given to feed the other people, use the upper Psalm and pray for restoration of your ventures.

54. BANK

Seeing yourself line up for or awaiting cash, mean you should continue in prayer unexpectedly you will be surprise by money, miracles, prosperity and soon.
If the banker harassed or quarreled with you in your dream, it’s a doom omen 3 days fasting with Psalm 120 to deliver yourself from money hijacker.
iii.                  If the Bank is robbed in your dream, mean devourer had been attacking your prayer  blessing prayer of Psalm 27, 83, 102 will conquer them in 3 days fasting.


Seeing it in dream means you have to be careful on how you use your tongue. James 3:2


Pool of blood , it’s a sign of death, portends dream as auto accident is on the way or similar situation that will happen by blood, 3 days white fasting to avert such situation with Psalm 28, 50, and 86 in water drink and bathing.

57. BOSS

Seeing yourself in dream as a Boss over people and you started controlling men calling you as their master, this is evidence of low estate in the physical world, to reach the top will be unreasonable for such fellow, three days white fasting with the honey to break and salt daily.
If seeing self-holding a head of sward or shape cutlass in your hand at the edge of controlling people to help each other in the field of harvesting or whistle in your mouth blowing to control men and women you’ll be great and future leader soon.


Seeing bullets being put in your gun is a sing of superiority in the spirit realm and physical realm, be careful don’t negate things against yourself.
Seeing it given to you in large numbers, prepare for confrontation that you will overcome very soon.
iii.  Stolen in your dream is a bad omen for this is the work of enemy. 3days fasting with Psalm 109, 90 the Lord will return your stolen ability physically and spiritually. Follow the prayer at the back.

59. BUS

Seeing buses lining in the garages, be careful with the word you speak to those who senior you or else you will be attack by this seniors unknowingly.

60. BUSH

Is seeing yourself in the bush and you see a lining road to the town mean in your present situation or present problem there is going to be testimony.
Meeting yourself in the bus in dream without direction show your present struggle will not yield any result, pray and fast 2 days for pull up of God. Call upon the Lord to make a way for you. Exodus 14:15-22.


Seeing in the dream your house is burning and shouting all over places, calamities in bulk will speedily happen unknowingly by stopping this, 3 days white fasting with night vigil, for this calamities to be powerless over you and your families. Follow the back prayer.


Seeing a bakery bread and bread is made out of oven in dozen sizes with fresh colour it’s an incoming prosperity in business venture.
Seeing yourself buying butter big fresh bread’s a sign of incoming mercy by someone you know.
iii.      If the bread is burn or eating by another person in your dream, it is a bad omen, 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 24, 145 prayer of recovery in business ventures.


Having it in dream is a cautionary sign against the hearer on an issue he/she is interested in, be careful of peeping into unknown matters.


If seeing a single broom in your dream, This is bad omens; it may be directed to anybody, even your enemy. This is not good physically and spiritually.strong/strong sign of worthlessness because one cannot be useful or make places clean, pray for multiple help in your strong endeavor use Psal m 4

Using Bunches of broom to kills flies in your and showsIf they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success. status of weapon against enemy’s conspired no matter how things will appear in your confrontations you will win places and rulerships of confronters.ol


Seen yourself in the dream been bury is a bad omen, find out your situation through the spirit of God, mean go to God’s messenger (Prophet/Pastor) for counseling
Seen yourself among the people in the burial ceremony range, mean somebody will die in that period why you will be among them, be prayerful that you may not left out by money


If you seen butchers in the market cutting meat, means the enemy are on there distributing human flesh, pray that non of your family will be victim with this Psalm 91 for ransom and recovery, 122.
If using bunch of broom to sweep means a drastic economic change will take place in your life


If you seen yourself harvesting this kind of cultivated plant means progress and success of foreigner, money will be yours if you kindly wait for God to help you.


If you see empty calabash in you dream is a bad omen, it’s emptiness of life
If you see calabash full of sacrifices in your dream is a bad omen meaning someone using evil mind to use you and dump you.
III.       If you see calabash with water in your dream means problematic in your ventures. Way out is 3 days fasting use this Psalm 83 pray aggressively with the Psalm to empower yourself and enemy we loose power over you in Jesus name.


Seeing a candle with light in your dream it’s a good dream, meaning greatness in your life had started don’t loose hope over yourself.
If you seen above one candle with light mean multi greatness in the venture of your success
III.                 If you seen seven candlestick with light it’s a symbol of God’s perfection end confirmation, that’s God is real in your life and your will be the light for many people in the future.

If you seen seven candlestick without light mean incompleteness with God, pray against your sin heartedly and repent with this Psalm 35, 38 pray for full empowerment

If you are under a beautiful canopy when sun or rain is on, mean someone will come to assist you in the time of your need.
If the canopy is removed by the power of wind or scotch by the sun is a bad omen meaning someone you trust will fail you suddenly trust God accurately in your endeavour.

If you seen cargo in your dream and open different resources is there is a good dream, mean your expectation will become manifestation believe remove doubt to make it happen in time.
If you see cargo in your dream open and empty, is a bad omens means what you have labour for another people have come to carry it away, quickly go into 3 days white fasting, get yourself anointed with oil and pray with this prophetic Psalm 140, 142, hour of pray 12, 3, 6, and 9 you will be restored totally.

If seen yourself or anybody repairing your house through carpentry work mean there’s going to be a transitions in your life, because your house symbolize your body, a good change, it may be character of venture.
If you seen stranger in your roof or your shop as a carpenter removing things without putting another back mean that’s a destroyer get yourself anointed for 3 days with fasting and curse the demonic carpenter to die with Psalm. 18, 20

Seeing this material beautifully on the floor may be your office, home, or shop is a sign of new breakthrough, no matter the condition and status of your business, the change of progress will come.
If the carpet is tire, rough and dirty, is a bad sign, get yourself involve into prayer and reject this portion by anointing your head with olive oil with 3 days fasting and prayer Psalm 20 repeatedly in aggressively.

If you are a business fellow and you saw in your dream cash register machine mean your work will have a lot of again not matter the situation of your business
If seen in your dream a stranger as your cashier in your shop or office while people are buying and paying to he or she, it is a bad omen, curse your devourer to death by using this Psalm 18, 21 with 3 days fasting to regain your loses income.

If you always see casket in your dream in other way you see yourself in it or people are crying for your death in the dream, meaning it simply death, it may appear to you in difficult way, get a prophet that know about dream to be notice without delay.
If seen someone you know in the casket dead is a symbol of long life.
III.                 If seen the casket prepared for your burial in your dream is broken and destroyed mean it’s a symbol of victory over sudden death be thankful by using the Psalm 21, 66 always in your quiet time.


Seen a cat or many cat in your dream is a symbol of enemy, mean one of your neighbors is using power of craft against you, if they attack in your dream use 3 days fasting with Psalm 68 in your prayer point and anoint yourself with olive oil.


Seeing yourself in the cemetery ground is a bad omen, mean death with timing, go and see the minister of God for emergence counseling because is a dangerous dream.
If seeing someone in this place in your dream means directive to the person someone close to you, be prayerful and watchful to avert this evil of un-timing death.

If receive a certificate in your dream, mean accomplishments in your venture, your life will be transform tremendously in your labour, be prayerful all the time.
If seen your certificate tear is a bad omen quickly get yourself anointed on that day of the dream with 5 days fasting using this Psalm 82 into water seven times drink and bath

If seen this creature in you dream is a sign of evil and bad omen, someone you know love to copy you, this how it look like enemy have come to hijack your blessing through your dream by the changing colour of chameleon, pray against satanic chameleon to die instantly or else things will not go fine, Psalm 94, 102 with 3 days fasting get a water and read this Psalm into it, hour or prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and the chameleon man will die and afford friends.


If you seen chief justice in your dream helping you to advocate against your accuser and your offenders, mean you have to completely leave everything to God, He will fight for you or give your life to Jesus in total submission. God will be glorified in any situation you are.


If you see choir singing in glorious way in your dream, means God wants you to come closer to Him and to use praises for victory over your foes.
If you are the one among choir, changes is coming into your life dramatically that will give your spiritual life an upliftment.

If seen yourself smoking a cigarette or Indian hemp is a bad omen meaning you will go back into your old sinful lifestyles, be careful how you behave and be careful how react to your personal life presently, and how you talk, don’t copy anybody to sweet your feeling.
If you see someone you know smoking cigarette in your dream mean the same.

If seen yourself in the classroom of nursery, primary or secondary school and you wear their uniform is a bad omen mean backwardness in any endeavour. Prayer: rejecting arrow of backwardness and send it to sender instantly through 3 days fasting by using this prophetical Psalm. 64, and 140
If seen yourself in the classroom with some of elders in seriousness willing and teacher he or she in your front teaching all of you, mean you will be add more into your own experience and work, if you are a minister of God see this dream, God is teaching you another lesson in your ministry, don’t be afraid is also a good dream.

If you see yourself inside a mud of clay is a sign of problematic, read Psalm.88 with 3 days fasting, et yourself anointed with oil and pray eagerly to be deliver from sudden problems of enemies.


If seen a cloud in your dream with the glamour is a sign of transition of progress
If it’s a dark cloud is a problematic, mean there is a problem trying to invade your life, use this Psalm. 35, and 44 Ask God for a divine change in your ventures.

If seen yourself been trained by a coach in your dream, football or any other game and you are able to follow the instruction of your coach, yes it’s a messages to you during this time, listen to your parents, guardian or your teacher in the Lord
If your coach is warning or rebuking you seriously in the dream mean, you must stop bad things you are doing and get yourself being obedient to God and man


If this snake attack you mean your neighbors or close person or recognized are using bad mind against you be careful how you expose yourself before them
If you kill this serpent is a victory over your situation or somebody help you kill it in your dream, someone will help you and give you way out at the top of your problem.
III.     If these snakes bite you as a bad sign go and narrate your dream to the minister of God for more explanation of this hidden dream and he or she will tell you what to do next or read Psalm 91 read it 50 times into water and drinks it.


Seen this symbol in your dream, mean blockage of blessing and resources, that’s
Attack is also the same thing in the physical life.

If this cobweb covers you is a bad omen, 3 days white fasting use this Psalm. 52 and 57
into water drink and bath, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 before sleeping.

If using your hand breaking cobwebs in the dreams or other object shows financial changes and transparency in your status.
COCK WITH COMB (Adult Male Chicken)

If you see this fowl in your dream humiliating you, meaning, some of the elder person around are quarreling with you without guilt, report him or her to God or pray against them


If seen this insect in your room means that sickness or disease in your body that’s affecting you negatively.
If seen in your shop it’s the same mean affecting your business, solution read Psalm. 14, 18 into water with 3 days fasting sprinkle the water into your shop or room (Read it 7 times in a day) and drink or bath).

If the cocoa in your dream is full of fruit and flourish is a good dream, the next year will be a glorious year of harvest, be happy no matter your conditions.
If the cocoa tree without fruit is fruitless meaning what you are doing right now will not bring increase of your expectation, prayer for fruitfulness with 3 days white fasting and get olive oil and water read this Psalm 54, 59 into this materials and claim your right aggressively by fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Drink and use for bath.

If you found in your dream a strong box of ornamental mean be patient always in your prayer and in your expectation, your future will be envy by your friends and families.


If you are given a coin in your dream is a sign of poorness, get yourself anointed with olive oil, and pray for 3 days with fasting to renounce affliction out of your life, Psalm 64, 120


Seeing yourself collapse suddenly in your dream is a bad omen, it may lead to downwardness or unbelievable backwardness. Get yourself anointed immediately into 3 days white fasting and pray against the situation using the Psalm 11, 12
If somebody known or unknown came and lift you up means no matter how your business is and the circumstances a divine help will manifest through man.

If seeing self in the cotton-wool field full of boll-wool is a good dream, at this period and years come and after you will experience wealth and land resources that we give you materials need at this moment.


Seen this white shell in your dream, or this is given to you in your dream means it’s an ancient of backwardness, the lower level of poverty is a bad omen, it’s not a wealthy life at all, you have to escape from the cage of the ancient convoyed by using this Psalm. 20, 21, 35, means a lot, get yourself anointed pray aggressively to be delivered.


If seen know that it’s the same meaning with horn of cow at letter.


It is a sign of backwardness, if you are running with your hands and legs you know it’s impossible in the physical world but mean there’s a progress you use your ability to supersedes above your levels. Continue in prayer.


This is a sign and status of powerless in the spirit, if not prayer man at the beautiful gate there’s no miracle again that can save, mean there is no way you can go forward or enemy can use this as evidence to confront their confronter, get yourself anointed with oil for seven days with seven days white fasting use Psalm 106, 80 you will have victory over your paralyzed.


There is children of seacoast (marine creature) living around your domain, be careful of them and stop or reduce playing with people relate you know or stop been a jester.


If it is cross of bad shape mean there’s a practicing of evil religious around you
It is the cross of good shape mean message, all the bad habit nail them to the cross

If seen them in unnumbered mean there’s going to be generation affection that we affect the citizen negatively


If given or found is a good dream, you are going into higher level which your generation had never reached.


It is a sign of fruitfulness in any effort or attempt if harvest abundantly in the dream.
If eating in the dream it’s also a good omen which mean at this time you’ll be part of benefits and profits.
If seeing spoiled in numbers or single is a bad omen and calamities over endeavors to elude this in your life three days white fasting use chapter Joel 2 read into water within three days morning and night, use it before sleeping at night within period of the fasting.

Seeing somebody carrying you with car is assured you will find grace in the side of somebody that’s closer or strange to you or any body.
If seeing your car stolen or hijacked by armed robber in the dream is a bad omen of lost glory of help in your venture 7 days with prophetic Psalm 124, 125. If you don’t do it, help will be far from you.
If car accident and blood everywhere in your dreams, it’s a bad omens and calamities programmed by enemies against you. Read Psalm 118 into water five times within 3 days use before you sleeps at night.

If it is full of water, hope of prosperity is real
If broken, it is also total shattered of hope, prayer and fasting is necessary with the following Psalms if on serious note Psalm 7, 124, and 126.
iii.       If empty, mean hopeless situation, use the above Psalm and the prayer point at the back


If seeing in dream means fruitless effort, particularly if seen on desert which symbolizes barrenness. Pray with 2 days white fasting and Psalm to read 16, 54, 124.
If died is a good dream because your destiny will take new change and progress immediate effect.

If seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.


Seeing furniture only in glamour decoration means honour into higher level of dignity and economically. If sitting on it, it is the same.
If your physical chair at home, office or work place broken in the dream it’s a bad omen which mean you’ll lose your place and position in your authority realms. Use Joel 2, Psalm 118 with 5 days fasting call on your Creator for help and assistance day and night for restoration.

Seeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is necessary.
Seeing yourself band with chains means your involvements or bad behaviour could lead to arrest if not repented of.
iii.                  If seeing yourself band by soldier with guns in their hand, mean the demons had captured you already. This dream can come by sickness and sin, prayer of 3 days to loose yourself with this Psalm 125, 7, follow the back prayer point.


Seeing or capture alive in the dream, means positive active in your request and business.
Seen dead crab is bad omen mean a calamity event is on the way to progress in your expectations pray with Psalm 141, 70 and three days fasting nullify this evil plan of traitors in Jesus name and stand against it continually.

Seeing this with amount written on the cheque means money is on the way that will not be long to reach you.
Seeing being torn, stolen or lost in your dream or without amount written, is a sign of penny less (money less) in your effort to get money, 3 days white fasting with the following Psalms 102, 50, 124, for Divine restoration and recovery instantly.

It is a bad omen, although no one could say it is bad in physical realm but in dream. It is problematic. Three day fasting to avert the problems but if dream does not change before the completion of the 3rd day make it 7 days. Get clean water and plastic key so that one could used such water after the payer of psalms 124, 50, 83 drink, bathe and sprinkle your surrounding and be very skeptical in you dealing with people.
If pregnant and you are carry baby or playing with baby is good dream you’ll experience easy delivery be courageous.

Hearing it in dream is a sign of good news from some where.
If it occurs again, move closer to God in prayer church attendance and learning from scripture reading for confidence.
iii.                  Invited people around you to come to God, you we gain in any labour you are involved.


Seeing such in dream is an indication that you need to change your stand and be faithful to God through Jesus Christ. It means on other source of reliable solution your problem except through God only and it even mean a call to service.


Seeing in speed without limit this is bad omen, this stand for your Angry character, change the way you angry when come to an issues, change before it is too late, Psalm 109.
Or you may be warned, be careful of how you come into matter that will lead to fighting always being careful, you only know the beginning of every quarrel but the end maybe worst, be at peace in any issues! Pro.19: 20.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

If not yet broken, has double interpretation
If the seed is ripped and usually white, your expectation will have the desired result
iii.       If it is spoilt or black in colour, it is sign that expectation will be negative 2 days fast and pray with Psalms 124, 89, 88.


Seeing self cooking food in the dream, your effort on venture will be fulfilled in that period.
In what you are cooking fall and split into the fire, this is bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer that you should not waste your time on what will not be successfully used.

Seeing this often is a bad omen, what you should be doing in the physical world as been practice in the spiritual world, one of the couple had negative mind to-ward the relationship, 3 day white fasting and prayer against evil spirit between two of you rapidly paralyzed with Psalm 24, 83, and 143.


Seeing self been coronate with traditional decoration, means the evil darkness forces had chosen the fellow as their leader, if want deliverance, 3 days white fasting and prayer of deliverance, don’t go outside when doing this. Stay some where to deliver yourself.
but if it’s english coronation you be great in life no matter whatsoever you may be passing through now.

It is a sign of incoming promotion or leadership elevation.
It is burnt, a sign of relegation.
iii.                  If suddenly remove from the head, it is also sign of relegation requires 7 days fasting and prayers with psalm 124, 50, 83, to recover. Follow the prayer it at the back.


If crossed successfully result is positive on expectation
If broken before crossing news from expectation is likely to be negative. Before it manifest fast and pray for 3 days, for total guidance.

Seeing cup in a dream with water or soft drink mean in your shop or office, your money or salary will be benefit to use.
If seeing without anything in your business there’s going to be famine 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 23, 24, 102. Use the prayer.

Seeing self crying bitterly in dream, mean joyous incident will occur very soon.
If somebody died and you started crying bitterly in that dream the person in whom you dreamt about will surely have long live.

A sign of incoming prosperity and pleasure.
If is suddenly removed, it is relegation either economic or positional 3 days fasting with Psalm 124, 83, 127.

It is a symbol of spiritual power. When held, no hindrance in the bush can hold you back.
If stolen, it is a sign of overpowering by enemy pray and fast 3 days with following Psalms. 11, 124, 50. Be careful how you use your mind and mouth.

Seeing this by waiting young man to marry is successful dream, you will marry that year
If seeing as a young woman waiting for marriage is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer with this following Psalm 121, 124, 125. Mean failure in marriage.

Seeing being carried or ride means someone you know or unknown will help you into a business journey successfully very soon.
If accident or stolen happen in the dream is a bad omen pray and fast 3 days against spirit of relegation in endeavors.



Seeing light in your hand in the darkness, mean God is with you in any state you are.
Without light inside darkness is a bad dream seven days fasting and prayer. Enemy will not overcome you suddenly. Use the prayer at the back.

Seeing somebody you knew that is sick now died in your dream, the person will arise from the sickness very soon.
If somebody you knew is sick and you now dream the person died and put in the coffin is a bad omen the person will die by the sickness.

Seeing this animal in dream mean some of your friends are unreliable. They have double dealing character, you have to be careful.
Seeing dog baking on you in the dream mean sin is arrange on your way be careful of whom you play with.
III.      If bitten in the dream this is a bad omen, if the fellow do not pray very well it will lead to spiritual captive or sin without limit prayer of Psalm. 141, 70 and three days fasting for instant recovery and resurrection.

If playing with you or leaking your hand means some of your former sin trying to come back, be careful how you play with people around you but serious in issues.

Seeing it in dream is a sign of peace and satisfaction, it is an emblem of Holy Spirit and His manifestation in your life. Be faithful to the Lord read always John.14.


If drawing from the well, slightly well means there is fruit in present endeavor.
If there is water but very deep, you will labour before achieving your aim.
iii.                  Drawing water up successfully means present effort will yield fruit.

If you carry bucket of water to fill a large drum, means your effort on your venture will yield fruit don’t give up.
If the bucket is full of water and fall back midway means your present effort though bright it may seem will not yield fruit.
If seeing dry well no result in present venture, prayer and fasting for 3 days with Psalms. 52, 71, 72 use the prayer at the back.

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, you pray with this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.


Drinking it in dream is a sign of incoming comfort and prosperity.
Serving people with it is lack of contentment, even through there is positive and guaranteed income you will not be contended financially, due to several demands. Read Psalms 83. Learn how to be contented and focus on yourself first.

In present reality, it refers to the condition of your business. The condition of the vehicle will clearly show the present posture of your business, for instance a care that is being pushed shows that the business is having serious problem.
It could sometime be a long term plan for this fellow deferred for safer period because of surrounding spiritual or physical enemies. See II Sam. 16:1-15

Drowning in dream without being rescued is a sign of bad omen in surrounding situations. If rescued there is hope of surviving from problems associated with using Psalms. 91, 121, 125. Use the prayer at the back


Seeing dry bones in the dreams is a sign of fruitless effort in business environment. A change of plan will definitely solve the situation with the following Psalms 46, 121, 125 plus three days fasting


If you are unable to hear very well in your dream it is a bad omen. It is a sign of controversy between your close relations, solution be careful how you transport a word and the meaning


If you find yourself under the death blow is a sign of death as it goes, get yourself anointed with oil to reject this portion totally by fasting for 2 days, use this Psalm 91, 125


If seen desk in your dream with offices equipment mean a transition in your ventures positively.


If you are despise in your dream by someone you know, meaning fighting is approaching be careful how you allow satan


It is a sign of blessing from Heaven upon you, this is blessing Heaven had given to you no matter your present situation you’ll excel.


If you pick or given this unusual precious stone in your dream mean you will meet unusual person in your life that will turn around your situation and business into reality at that time. Be expectant extra ordinary miracles.
If stolen from you in your dream bad omens even worst seven days with marathon prayers of Joel 2, Isaiah 62

If seen or reading is a sign of correction and improvement at the particular things you are involved.


It is a sign of mass burial, someone we be buried, you know or acknowledge


If in your dream things and days are dimming is a sign of enemy presence at that particular moment, if this occur in your dream pray against unfulfilment spirit in all your promises, use Psalm. 120, 18, 46


If seen yourself in dream as director of a company is a sign of doom what you suppose to be physically yet your position is not up to this level it is enemy trap. Pray and get yourself anointed fast 3 days white and use this Psalm 17, 35

DIRGE (Mournful Song of Music)

If you see and hear people singing this song in your dream mean very soon someone closer to you will die, it is a bad omen anoint yourself and reject it.


If you are in the position of sickness, you now dream and see a doctor you will recover very soon. If the doctor attends to you in your dream, the symptom will go without drugs.
If seeming self as doctor you will save people and animals, you will be a savior to save life at the prim of
If seen pharmacy, or doctors in your dreams descripts drugs for you in the dream it’s a way out to your presents illness or personal sickness.

It is a sign of problematic in your venture, meaning this is also sign of witchcraft is one of their instrument in there convoyed, get yourself anointed with oil immediately as you wake up and use this Psalm 46, 50 as your prayer point and the Lord will see you through


if you received dollars in the dream, it is a sign of increase, but you must pray and fast very well for this to come to pass, without your prayer, fasting and faith it will not manifest. 3 days white fasting use this Psalm 74, 120 hour of prayer 9, 12, 3, 6
In other words it mean superiority in the spirit if you’re given through envelop.

It is a sign of slothfulness in your venture though things will work out at last.


It is a sign of new chapter in your circular endeavor if opened easily without stress.
If lucked without a key and without opened till you wake up it’s a badl/ollistrongol
trong omen in ySeeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, this evil spirits work in your life, you pray and cast them out use this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.


Dreaming and seeing a dove in your room or around you is an emblem of Holy Spirit, God want you to humble yourself and He wants to live with you peacefully.
If attacked you in your dream is a bad omens check your character towards self and people.

It is a sign of superior enemy the old snake of the world, if seen confronting or attacking or pursue you in your dream, mean the kingdom of satan will war against you very soon or already engage with you in battle, pray for divine assistance from Heaven by 3 days white or dry fasting with Psalm 91 only for this. three times daily in prayer without stop.


If you dream in your dream which mean you have to know the deep and deeper things at T junction you are. Be careful at this time and take note yourself.


Seeing duvet in dirty, tear apart or burnt in your dream on your bed, it’s a bad omen of which the enemy symbol of attack through your sleeping endeavors as they have taking something important in your life. Solution is to pray and fast for two days in order to restore your glory, peace and protection in all endeavours. use Joel 2
Seeing clean in the dream, it’s a sign of peace and rest at this moment in your circumstance. Read Psalm 145

If seeing in your dream walking towards you or reluctantly with you it is a sign of doom correct yourself before God and man, Psalm 38, 39, 43. It is also your present situation pray against, reduction, limitation and backwardness seriously in your life.



It is a sign
of bad omen in your dream, because of bouncing back and repeated the same reflection word or songs. Deeply searching your sin and ask for forgiveness.


If seen an elephant in your dream, the meaning is both
in negative or li
positive. If seen this creature attacking you in your dream it’s a bad omen, meaning the power of darkness powerful than you are waging war against you, continue to stand in the power of Holy God of Heaven.
If seen this creature carrying you at the neck is a sign of been higher in the level of divine help no matter your journey may be at that particular time.

If you see someone embalmed in your dream, it is a bad omen, pray against sudden death is knocking at the door of the person very close to you.


If seen someone you know or yourself been enthrone mean you’ve been assigned to be leader and head of particular assignment that will last for long period and this will bring gain and fortune, wait in prayer always to run away from sin.


Seeing yourself receiving an envelope means you will receive a reward of your task for this appreciation reward.


If you see this minister of God in your dream may be on stage preaching, if seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.if seeing on your television or talking to you, whatever he or she tells you to do pls. do it and you will prosper in your life. He or she represented God on earth.
If Fighting with a man of God in your dream please be careful how you gossip about things of God you can be a victim.

If seen this female sheep in your dream mean God had made you a shepherd or guardian over some people at this particular time place, continue your mission over people secure.

If attacked in your dream be careful how you underestimate people around you take note.

If seeing in such devastating destruction, means a mishap, accident or warning, restorative prayer need to be intensified, fast and pray for 3 days with these Psalms 124, 50, 46, 90, white fasting is recommended if serious on note, if this dream continued plus your fasting to 7 days you will win that time.


Seeing earthworm every were in your dream is a sign of problematic and incoming doom, 3 days with Psalms 59, 145 in water for bathing only be careful how you trust people.


Seem this bird soar higher, the coming news and unexpected promotion in endeavours is expectant.
If seeing this bird fighting you in your dream is sign that the enemy is using your helper to fight you prayer of 3 days for the enemy to scatter because of you if you like with fasting.


Giving any type of food to eat or swallow in dream is a poison
If spiritually strong and it is rejected, it is a good omen.
iii.                  Eating meat or fish cooked, given by friend or any one you know, the person is your enemy, be careful with him or her. The plan of the enemy will not materialize after all. Use the following Psalm 123, 59, 140 with three days fasting in clean water for drinking and bathing and sprinkling in your rooms.

Continuation of eating, sensual and fighting in the dreams

The spirit foundational stuck in their victim by the early meal at the beginning of the feeding in the dream, the food, and sex, fighting and otherwise in the dream is poison to soul of Admaic nature. All the active instruments of destruction belongs to the close enemy of soul in the spirit realms, as these become ashes in the spiritual belly of the victim and firmed foundation against the victim and do more in automatic continuation from the starting point to the end. This will continue to occurrence no matter the spiritual appliances to this implication no way-out except from these steps.

Confession and changes old sins, transgressions and iniquities committed knowingly or unknowingly. All this offences strengthen the continuation of eating, sex, fighting, see dead people, retrogression, suppression, oppressions, afflictions, depressed in the dreams against the freedom and etc., this freedom is a processing and patient as you continue in the Will of God.
If sinned against witch, wizard, your father or your mother and otherwise people, as satanic emissaries, all this can strengthen all the affection protracted mentioned above in your dream. Concerning your parents they maybe in cults or belongs to other society, if not they may cursed you and you’ll be under the strong spell word of satanic emissaries as transgressor.
If truly one deny the truth or your parents deny the truth in solemn way as victim in the case one can have evil dreams in continuation as will affected the life without a solution. These examples can be as sin against true man of God, against the true church of God, and against the work true work of God. One can have bad dream without solution until revelation to this.
The solution is to:-

Confess your sins, transgressions, and iniquities by asking for mercy in any area knowingly and unknowing.
Bind the demons in change of the dream experiences and cast them out by faith.
Recover the losses and opportunities you have lost in these personal experiences.
Disconnect any other root or way you’re denied to operate in the high places of life.
Fortified yourself spirit, soul and body with the Blood of Jesus
Ask from God grace to strengthen you always in deny them again and forever in the dream or physical life.
Truly confess Jesus Christ in any or other place such as before men or without men.
Believe in yourself and in your word as you say it! Don’t let anything tell you you’re not right but believe the word of God and His Name.
Any bad or evil signs or appearance stand against it or destroy it immediately.
Be obedient to the word of God without compromised it
Continue in this and you’re the strong against them gradually
Wait patiently for your victory in this term as you believed after prayer and working out your obedience.


Seeing this in your dream you have offended this parents when they are yet alive, confess your sins, transgressions and iniquities to a man of God. You will be free from curses.
Eating with dead parents or any dead person is a symbol of sudden death or terrible sickness. Seven days prayer and fasting with Psalm 91, 25, 59, 90.

Seeing your self in the midst of elders doing meeting always. You are among evil forces unconsciously the solution will be proved by three days fasting and prayer of night vigil.


If it happens in or dream, means in one way or the other God will use your enemy for you. That is why we should not be on the look out for revenges but allow God always for necessary justice.
Seeing shopping with your enemy and he or she buy you things in the grocery shop you’ll see favor more in this time, be peace full.

This is a symbol of incoming poverty and sorrows. Think on how you spent money, to avert these Psalm. 1, 23, and 48.


if given many or single white egg in dream means mercy and grace, people will show to the person.
If the egg is broken or black in color this is bad omen meaning you may struggle to make it and lead to void in life and future this is bad omen 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm.13, 12, 24 for recovering of fortune and inheritance right.

Seeing if flowing away gently shows that the baffling problem will find its way out after all.
If in the erosion means an economic problem or a related issue is likely to burst out pray and fast added to win your superior enemy with Psalm 124, 50, 141 use the prayer at the back.

Seeing self participating in examination means among your mate you will not lag behind them.
Seeing self-failed exam and feel sorrowful whatever you’re passing through will bring out joy for you read this Psalm9, 125, 150
iii.        If one cannot participate in the examination is a bad omen, mean backwardness, cast the spirit of backwardness out with three days fasting and repent of your ancestor’s sin to God.


If your right eye is having problem in dream means someone closer very close to you may be loved one, husband, wife or children may be in sickness, it can cause you to spend unexpected money. Direct your prayer line to such people fast and pray for 3 days with Psalm 124 and 105.



Excreting faeces in dream in the toilet, mean the enemy will not be allowed to cage you, during this particular time, because what they have poison had been excreted out.
Seeing scrap on the wall is minor failure on your business pursued, seven days fasting with Psalm 1, 124, 29, 50, 23, 120.FARM FROG
Seeing in dream is a bad omen, is a sign of terrible disease or sickness, 3 days prayer and fasting with, psalm, 24, 59, 125


Meeting self on a spot in the forest mean pursuit without direction and result in your success stagnancy, for restoration and recovery pray with white fasting in 3 days call on Jehovah Exodus 13, and 14 His make way in the wilderness of life He will make ways for you too.


If many like those reared and are in good shape, means personal business is in good economic condition, but if they are dying or uncared for symbolized poor state of self-employment
If carrying food around and feeding them with different color of fowls mean you will spend money that will not bring income or gain to you, 3 days prayers and fasting for restoration. Psalm 46, 123


If funeral song is heard in dream is proverbial aid realistic 7 days prayer and fasting should offered to avert such occurrence if the dreams occur again visited man of God for counseling use Psalm 60, 46 and 109.

Seeing self working as farmer mean your effort on your venture will abundantly gives fruitful result, when you are in hardship situation be patient.
Seeing a dry farm is a point of unfruitfulness in what you are doing at that present 3 days fast and pray with this Psalm. 124, 60, 143.

Seeing it in dreams in retrogressive or backwardness in your pursuits unless serious restorative white prayer and fasting for 3 days are offered. Use Psalm 1, 24, 141, 89.
If one relaxes in it, show it manifestation

Is a sure sign of incoming sickness and inward diseases. Call on God to restore you back He’s your Creator. Deuteronomy 28
If you seeing someone you know in the position is symbol of changes positive level with the fellow.

If this appears in dream, means spiritual enemies are at work against an eminent personality in the society. If the tree is felled successfully, prevent prayer need to be offered against their plan 7 days white fasting with Psalm. 124, 50 and 83.


If you dreamt, witches, wizards or other evil forces may use their faces as camouflage to destabilize the family, pray with Psalm 46, 91, 125 every day


If fell down in dream, refers to status and standing that such fellow may suffer relegation in business or in society this is the work of the enemy, prayer of stability need to be offered with the following Psalm. 46, 59, 83 and 3 days fasting. O Lord restore me!


If seeing yourself or somebody cutting your nail means changing and up level in your endeavor business.
If the cutting involves blood mean be careful of how you fear and risk in what will not bring gain or profit in your business but vanity.

If a standing dry tree is seen, means present pursue endeavor infertile is bad omen
Gathering firewood for your cooking at the time of challenges is a sign of doom and continuous poverty.
Seeing it in dream also means the same seven days fasting with this Psalm 124, 25, 140 to hardly rebuke stead backwardness in your life and business, also ask for glorious life you’re destined to fulfilled on earth.

Seeing yourself fighting with wild animals male or female, this dream pointing you into awareness and to be careful in everything you are about to say whenever there’s a quarrel, this animals are human being and they are agent of evil forces in this world, this shows thee power, be prayerful, the Lord will give victory over them, if you’re careful to let the Lord fight for you. Psalm 109,
Seeing yourself fighting your friends in the dream, the enemy is using this as a sign of divisions against you and your friends be careful also create a genuine love to win your enemy. Psalm 109.
Settle fighting in the dream mean replacement in between quarreling people.

Seeing or caught alive, in dream is a sign of good omen in business venture.
Dead fish symbolize doom in business ventur.
Dried fish if buying, you will overcome some closer enemy that’s close friend or relative.
4.Eating fresh cooked fish or smoked fish is a sign of sickness. 3 days fasting and prayer for spiritual strength and to excrete the poison far above and over your life in drinking water.


Catching fish with it is a sure sign of success in set goal.
Catching fish with hook is also good, depend on what you have caught
Few catches of symbolize minor success in endeavor
4.Without fish in fish hook or nets is a sign of failure in expectations. For success use Psalm. 124, 141, 48. Use the prayer at the back always.


1.Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.

2.If seeing dead in all over places it’s a great sign in your ventures as you move on into drastically blessing because the enemy’s agents are dead.


Seeing yourself flying boldly above mountains, rivers and soon in the dream is a sign of spiritual power and superiority over your enemies.
Inability to lift up yourself symbolize lower in spiritual power three days fasting with Psalm 123, 46, 123 use the prayer point for divine change.

Seeing self-playing dribble and score goals on the field filled with multitude, is a good omen. Continuing prayer you have reach the peak of success.
Seeing yourself hold the ball in your hand is a sign of favour in business achievements. Peace!
Seeing yourself playing with unable to score, means enemies are too powerful on you, pray with fast 3 days white use this Psalms 124, 62, for the lifting up

If you and your father are fighting in the dream is bad dream, mean the curses of your fathers’ house they are at work to stop your progress, pray and fast 3 days white with the Psalm 68, 89, 120
If you see your father and he’s seriously annoyed and complaining in your dream mean you have done something wrong to this your old man or God in the same with the appearing of your father, find out your sin and it shall be well.
III.       If you see your father happy and smiling with you in your dream, mean you will find he’s favour or God in the same mode to you is a good dream and favor. Be happy.


If seeing something in your dream that causes fear is a bad omen in your endeavour pray against incident that will cause the same physically, Read Psalm 124 seven times into water drink and bath.


If seen fig tree with fruits on the tree in your dream, it is a good and prosperity dream that will affect global life


If you are watching film traditionally or foreign film in your dream theater or on the screen by television, mean what you see on the show is a properly what to happen within seven day or a month, be careful how you allow to use your though.


If seen yourself come out of flooding means the problems you are facing now will soon be over relax.
If seen yourself standing or swimming in the midst of flooding is a problematic in your next journey of progress to remove the problems, seven days white fasting with Psalm. 102, 55, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 complete your seven days signs and wonder will follow you dramatically.

If you are planting flowers in you dream, mean you will work with money, its is a sign of fruitlessness
If you are given a beautiful flower in your dream, mean you will receive embrace that will not profitable or fruitful.

If seen yourself at the fountain of water and you drink from it in your dream, mean the events that will change your local or nation into positive goodness you be at the part of the gain.


If seen this dangerous animal in your dream, mean enemy at their work or to devour your goodness, to prevent yourself use Psalm 91, 121, 125 read this seven times into water sprinkle it into your home and shops.


If you see many fruits in one place in your dream, mean your labour at this time will not be valid, be prayerful and fast for this to manifest faster.


Seeing frog in your room mean a hidden or expose sickness is in your body or even summon on your body. Anoint yourself with anointed oil and cast out the demon by faith and it will obey you. James 5:14-15
Seen this creature killed by you or someone in your dream, it’s a sign of total victory over the enemy’s on the particular area you live as challenges subdue.
If seen in your food, clothes or luggage’s, it’s a signs or symbol of attack on you at this present by witchcraft manipulation against your glory to be poisoning your life and way against self. Ask the Lord for divine assistant and help from Jesus Christ in all your expectations to come true, read Psalm 11 in eleven times into water to bath self for total cleanse.


Seeing a loaded vehicle in the garage portends assurance in endeavor
Vehicles without passengers in dream are a sign of disappointment, pray and fast 3 days with psalm. 24, 124,125.
III.      Seeing large bus parked side-by-side means be careful with your saying among your colleague. For the disappointment not to occur 3 days prayer and fasting to rebuke spirit of disappointment shapely with this psalm 104, 125, 129.


If seeing a garden full of robust garden eggs are sign of success in a pursued endeavor.


Seeing wearing or given in dream is a sign of affliction to off this, pray with fasting 3 days, to remove garment affliction of enemies over you with psalm 124, 109.


Seeing goats in dream is a sign of close enemies, deception and rebellion.
It also represents stubbornness in spiritual realm, change your character, attitude and behaviors towards God and men.
seeing this creature in plenty its a sign of rebellion human generation on earth as being in the dream Matthew 25:31-46

Seeing yourself with this mean success will be complete in your life very soon, pray for fast manifestation. Psalm.104, 109


It is a sign of funeral if one visit the yard constantly pray and fast for 3 days with this psalm 124, 143,125 if occur constantly visit trusted man of God for prayer and deliverance.


Seeing or holding a gun in dream symbolized high spiritual power or superfluity level with Ability
If stolen or something negative happen to the follow this is also sign of poor spiritual power, loan and fast for 3 days for restoration. Read this psalm. 91, 59, 83.
iii.      Hearing the sound of gun in dream, symbolize news that is likely to upset the mind, relaxes you will be happy at the end of all time.


If seen yourself playing any games with person you know in your dream this is also a sign for you to know about the fellow be careful how you reveal your matter to people.
If you win at any game you may be playing in your dream is a sign of successful in your labour.
III.                 If you lose in any game you may be playing in your dream is a bad sign, if you do not want bad thing to happen get yourself anointed with three days white fast in aggressive prayer and use this Psalm 35, 20 pray for changing of status.


If you are standing or seating in the mist of garden in your dream is a bad omen mean is a place of fruitless, no matter your effort in your endeavor pray for divine progress with psalm 60, 64 that God should put you in the fruitfulness changing of circumstance.


If you see gate open for you in your dream mean there is a way out for your expectation
If the gate is lock behind you in your dream is a bad omen use psalm 24 read it seven times in a day to unlock the gateway of success in your venture fast three day break 7pm or 8pm.

If seen giant man or woman in your dream attacking you, it’s a sign of superior enemy. Pray with fast four days for more power in your life to be effective in the fire of God.


If you are given gold in your dream, is a sign of unstoppable goodness that’s unique, don’t play with prayer be serious in focus.
If someone comes and ask for your gold and you gave him or her in your dream is a very bad omen, meaning no matter how you pray against your enemy without receiving the gold back your effort will be valid until you get your gold back, get yourself anointed with 6 days white fast use this Psalm 23, 24, 25, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 daily. Pray for restoration and recovery quickly.

If seen Governor Come to you in your dream, meaning a change is coming expect this and be prayerful towards God’s promises.
If seen yourself won the governorship in your dream, mean your future is certainly fortunate, come closer to God in prayer and indeed.
III.       If seeing this positioned person in your dream and he or she attacked you mean you will be rejected at the pointed of appointment of elevation it’s a bad omen which mean you’ll be rejected by your divine helpers. Pray for your recovery and divine assistant in all your endeavors.


If seen this insect in your dream eating your things is a sign of devourer in ventures, pls, pay and be faithful in your tithes and offerings, pray and fast against it three days fasting Psalm 60, 28


If seen yourself at the grave in your dream, mean enemy has been planning death around you, pray and fast for three days to overcome any plan of death around you with Psalm 70, 72


If someone greets you in your dream with respect is sign of transition how you are going to be embrace by people
If you are greeting with handshake in your dream a new friend will appear very soon.
III.                 If you are greeted wrongly in your dream be careful fighting is knocking on the door and take it easy in any situation.


If you see grinder machine in your dream working, mean the problem in the same situation will be vanish unknowingly.


If seen in plenty and bags its sign of prosperity
If seen in a cup its sign of problematic, three days fasting Psalm 71

If seen this fowl in your dream is a sign of how you behave among your friends and God.

Guinea Pig

If seeing eating your food and stuff, it’s a bad omen which mean the divert and devourer sent to your ventures or to your treasury. To recover this fast for five days with Ps. 126, 127 and 136 into water to bath yourself at the end of each day of your fasting before you sleep at night. Pray for quick restoration in all endeavors.
If rearing this creature in the dream in your house, it’s a sign of secret sickness or illness that is in your body or yet to show up in your body because this house is your body and the creature is a strange creature in your house. White fasting for three days. Prayer is deliver me oh Lord from any secret or hiding sickness that are yet to show up in my life and future in Jesus Name. use Matthew 10:19-20 repeat this Scriptures word seven times in the morning, afternoon and evening fir the period of your fasting time.
If you trap or killed this creature in your dream, it’s a good signs in your endeavors and great fortune will follow instantly without delay. Praise God if you have this dream.

If you see your gum teeth clean and clear is a symbol of clarity and security over your family
But if your gum teeth are wounded and bleeding it’s a problematic in your family. Pray against family problem that wanted to rise suddenly against your family with three days fasting and Psalm 28, 50, 55.

It is a sign of fruitfulness; the groundnut farm is incoming prosperity.
The dry one in the bottle is a sign of token miracle in your life.
III.                 If the dry one is burnt is a bad omens, pray against the power of useless spirit with Psalm 60, 70 three days fasting.


It is a sign of transition if you are playing it in your dream, be careful to serve God
If you see this instrument of music broken in your dream is a sign of doom, enemy are on the way to turn joy to sadness pray in three days fasting use Psalm 21, and 28


If you have a new cut in your dream and you look good is a sign of changing characters
If look ugly is a sign of bad character
III.                 If it is cut roughly and scatter in your dream is a sing of enemy hijacking your right and they have given it to someone, get your self anointed with oil use Psalm 35 read it seven times a day with three day fasting you will recover with faith.


If see handcuffed in your dream means enemy had captured you already, it may be in bad characters or attitudes towards unconvinced of other, is a bad omen. Seven days white fasting, Psalm 30 68, 98, pray aggressively to be deliver, call for God’s help to help you.


If you are harvesting any crops or plants is a sign of gain in your daily task, be careful of how you speak about your dream to people you trust, it is a good dream.
If someone you don’t know is harvesting on your farm in your dream, mean enemy are on the way to over throne you over your right, get yourself anointed, three days white fast break it 7pm or 8pm use this Psalm 80, 102, 135, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory will breakthrough in your ventures

If seen in your dream been wounded is a sign inconvenience in your venture, Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.

2.If seeing dead in all over places it’s a great sign in your ventures as you move on into drastically blessing because the enemy’s agents are dead.

two days fasting use this Psalm 60, 97 that the Lord should lift you up in your endevours that cause this wound


If you see in your head is a sign of weakness, it’s enemy will, to abolish the enemy’s wishes, get yourself anointed with oil pray heatedly with Psalm 70, 25, 102, 121 in three days fasting


If you are admitted in the hospital in your dream, if you are sick, you will soon get healed and better.
If you are not sick but dreamed you are being admitted to hospital is bad omen means your former sickness is about to come back, get yourself anointed with use Psalm 82, 83 read it seven times daily into water drink and bath with three days fasting

If seen yourself at the hotel enjoying in your dream, means the business you are called to do will not give profit that will satisfy you.


If seen yourself singing hymn with hearted praise, mean God is calling you for praise Him as preacher and singer.


Seeing yourself been carry inconvenienHYMN-BOOK/olt heavy load in the
dream mean your present situation will be inconvenient if not praying about it, two day fast with psalm 9 and 92 as prayer poin/strongHEELt.


Good news is on the way if one heard it in dream.


Seeing yourself shaking hand with hands means an old friend will appear or you will meet new faces of peaceful friends you have never know before that will help.


It’s a sign of inconvenience. No matter how rich dependants will hinder the prosperity. Cautionary be faithful, in your tithes and offerings and use your money for God and people need before enemies over come you, and pray for forgiveness of sins, transgressions and your iniquities of the past life.


Seeing a hill cover
ing entire road is a sign of unexpected blocked, it could be financial or spiritual, 3days fast and prayer against hindrances.
If the hill is removed or climbed successful, is a sign of achievement or success in pursued endeavour.


Seeing yourself on the horse running or walking means a journeys with confidence fruitfulness.
If falling on the horse is a bad omen prayer in three days for straight and ableness.
If horse attacked you it’s a bad omen be careful how you underestimate people under your leadership or dominions they can be useful in time of your help and need tomorrow.


Seeing honey comb or its liquid given to you or you eat it, symbolizes prosperity in all business and endeavor.
If taken from you in the dream it’s a bad omen, it will be hard for you in life to possess your possession in life. For recovery use Joel 2 in three day fasting and prayer restoration.

Seeing it in dream shows the mind of people intending to confront you on some issues.
Pursuing you, mean enemies could confront you any time from that night. Seeing the horn of cow means you confront them back with is prayer of 3 days with fasting.


It is a sign of peace in your labour if used
If ice block is fallen like rain on you and every where in your dream is a sign of incoming peace and prosperity, be prayerful to see it happen.
III.       If the ice block turning in red colour that is a sign of doom and calamity pilgrim, four days white fasting with, Psalm 18, 24, 35, 91, against slander of heaven and earth you’ll win in Jesus Name.


If you seen yourself worshiping an idol in your dream, mean the enemy are on the way to repeat your former problems, in other way the idol sprit of your parenthood house are demanding your attention to come back for them, if you are in bad condition this is a temptation that we last in even doom of your life, get yourself anointed first use Psalm 150, 140, pray heartedly to God to forgive your generational sin and to break the curse of it with three days fasting, the victory is sure


If seen holding it in your dream is a sign of great power and supremacy mean in your national you be their leader very soon no matter your present situation.
If someone come and takes it from you or break suddenly is a sign of problematic in your nationality, get yourself anointed with oil and fast for seven day to avert your glory back without compromise use Psalm 80, 83

Seeing your instruments spoiled in the dream and you started repairing it, means your work by that time will be fruitful and progress.
Seeing your instruments being anew in your shop, you will receive a new contract or a new person that will connect you in favor, a partner in business traces.
Seeing your instruments spoiled unrepeatable or stolen, it’s a bad omens in your endeavors mean dryness in your work possessions, pray for mediate recovery use Joel 2, Isaiah 62 in three days white fasting and anoint your place of work and your instruments.


Meaning spiritual infirmities and irresolute lacking firmness of character or a strong will to give alms to a destitute life in your endeavor as a person, Pray and fast 3days with psalm 140, 50.

IRON (Clothes Presser)

Seeing yourself using it to press your cloth means within the period you will look good in your cooperate society.
Seen shocked, stolen or burnt your hand, clothes or skins is a bad amen be careful how you handle thing that come to your life or how you come into people issues that doesn’t concerning you.
If hot iron fell down in your room and break by accident in your dream, it’s a bad omen be always prayerful and watch in spirit sense over your household.


A sad event is in the offing fast and pray against sudden calamities 3days in order to event such event. Psalm 56, 80


It could be direct dream to self, hence it should be interpreted to suit situation that surround the person.
If to overseas country serious prayer must follow it up before its manifestation because satan had seen the plan ahead and witness it, he wish to double cross it, prayer and fasting 7days while follow this psalms 104, 59, 43, into clear water bathing and sprinkle around you also.

Seeing a judges in your dream, judge or execution in judgment against you, be careful of people you are fighting, quit and want for God to if fight on your behave.
If seeing the judge smile to you in your dream don’t be afraid heaven will fight for you.

If seen yourself drinking juice any colour it may be meant at junction of receiving your miracle it going to be easy for you to receive it.
If it fell from your hand and split on the ground mean your convenient right it going to be elude, pray against hijacking spirit with three days fasting Psalm 35, 94

If seen yourself in the middle of tropical jungle forest which mean presently you’re in need and you shouldn’t be afraid and help suddenly occur as a way, or someone leads you out, no matter your condition, you will come out of it very soon, because you have come out of ruthlessly, helplessness of life, unconstrained position at the same period. Praise Jesus all the time.
If found yourself in the middle of the tropical jungle forest without way help or way out, assistant, this is the realm of ruthlessly, unconstrained, cruelly, pitilessly, untamed, unrestrained, unruly, anxious, disheveled, inaccurate of life and no man come to your aids, means the enemy has hand over your soul to the spirit of problematic over your life to be inconvenience throughout the journey, pray for deliverance with three days fasting call on the Lord Jesus your maker. Isaiah 49, 50 and Jeremiah 33 stand in personal night vigil to rescue yourself and to place you into your proper position on time.


Failure to pronounce this Name in your dream, when an evil force controls you shows lower situation and spiritual powerless you are. For more power behind the Name of Jesus Christ, 3days fasting and prayer. Luke 21-15
Seeing the Lord Jesus Christ in your dream means divine encounter in your realm of life and spiritual status, you are growing beautifully and you’ll never remain the same again and again. Great dream!


Seeing the tree in the dream-incoming prosperity of money that will come for that cannot be thief in life.
Giving a kola in the dream, mean it’s symbolizes incoming portion of money that will come for that particular time.
iii.      Seeing been eaten kola in dream raw or dry is a description of poison, pray inside water with psalm 89, 124, 50 to drink.


If seeing in dream mean direction to successful in life.
If seeing the key brake, stolen, lust or change in your hand, it is a bad luck programming of failure from the enemy, it’s a plan three days prayer and fasting with Psalm 24, 59,109.

If seeing knife in dream cut your hand and blood seeing mean you shouldn’t use your mouth against yourself in any matter you are not concern, be careful how you speak.
If someone use knife against you and you’re mark or cut with blood means warning, be careful how you contribute into strange matter and they can use your word against you. Be careful how you come into peoples issues of two or more around you or people that are far off.

If it happens in your dream means calamity or unexpected mishap will happening, with this unstoppable pray and fast 3 day with psalm 46,124,129.


It is a sign of power and authority in one level, if put into lamp is a sign of power increase during the time.
If dry, put on the ground or into water is a sign of fruitlessness in labour, three days fasting using Psalm 85, 86 pray for recovery in sevenfold.

If seen kettle boiling hot water on the fire mean during this time you most be careful handle matter around you carefully.


If seen yourself with king’s dialogue together in your dream mean a transition is coming into your difficult situation, if you can wait your past and present situation will be a story.
If the king is angry with you in your dream, mean you have offended one of powerful man or woman, remedy is to reconcile and resume the issue people.
III.                 If seen you’re crown in a modern way is a fortune of the future be prayerful to be there.


It is a place of transformation, if the meal is prepared and ready you will see a change in your ventures your expectation will manifest


If seen them in your dream is a sign of enemy children, mean some children around your environ are growing for evil, be prayerful to disable their power, and cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Psalm 23, 68, 83


If broken and wounded seriously in your dram means your future will be brutal, sickness and wound, pray heartedly to assign your future for recreation and future healing, in other word is your future position that can cause downwardness in your venture get yourself anointed into seven day fasting and use Psalm 77, 60, and 59



It is a sign of humility and peace during this time.


No matter your problem and situation, if this lamp is with light, you will surely come out into city of God on earth. You will be seeing be your helpers.


Seeing ladder in dream symbolizes progressive plan is in the making.
Climbing it means same but closer to manifestation.
iii.            If it is successfully climbed means the progress will definitely come to light.


Progress can never surface in present struggle. Ask God to help you 1 chr.4:9-10
If other source of water flows in there is hope in this employment. Utilize the income effectively.
If the water suddenly changes colour, enemies are at work, 3days prayer with the following psalm 50, 70, 125.

High illumination means progress in all rounds.
If it is dull requires prayer for success and recovery.
iii.      If suddenly extinguished requires prayer for sudden recovery. 4 days fasting and prayer with psalm 124,50,124 to pray


Sadness related to the issue been laugh with in the dream is on the way, prayer for successful recovery with 3 days prayer and fasting.


Seeing this creature in your dream is a symbol of close enemy, be careful of how you are close to people around you during the time you dream about lizard be wise or else fight will occur.


Seeing your roof leaking and water is coming in, means very soon you will park out of that house.
Otherwise the leaking roof may mean under minded by spiritual forces. Intensify prayer for successful recovery with 3 days fasting and prayer.

This dream shows human effort in all endeavors or someone shouldering heavy load in the family responsibility.
If it lifted up successfully, shows success behind it.
iii.            If inability to lift it means total failure. Pray and fast for 3 days with psalm.124,61, and 104


If seeing in dream, means heart-felt and unexpected news is on the way. Before its manifestation pray and fast 3 days with the following psalm. 71, 59,105


If seeing in their thousand, in dream, is a sign of loss, remedial prayer 7 days fasting and prayer with psalm 46,1, and 14, if a Christian please rectify if tithe is not paid correct yourself.


Seeing such long lane without exit to other street that lead to endless lane, mean resolution on an issue or endeavor.


If seen your landlord collect his key or return your money back to you in your dram, mean very soon you will leave the house.
If your landlord or landlady come to fight you in your dream and ask you to pack out immediately and you did, that year or month you will pack out of that house, look for another house. Or you’ll be confronted wrongly them in strange allegations, ask for wisdom and let it help you if you’re not ready to come out of the house.
If your landlord or landlady makes a word of harmony, favor and friendly with you in your dream you will see his or her favour always than other tenant.
If you’re a landlord or landlady your tenant do otherwise as mentioned up, the same replication will occur to you just be wise as you’ll eat from the fruits of pleasures.

If carry your cloth to the laundry man in your dream mean cleanness and transition in your venture and your circumstance will take a new look.
If the laundry man watch your cloth roughly in your dream this is also a problematic in your expectation towards your business. Two days fasting use Psalm 16, 18
III.                 If the laundry man says your cloth is not with him or stolen is a bad omen mean the plan of enemy is about to be fulfilled get yourself anointed into three days fasting use Psalm 35, Job 18 for divine recovery in your fortune.


If you see wings and garment of lawyer on yourself in your dream mean you will be use in certain level to help some people and to rescue them out of danger.
If seen lawyer advocating for you in the court in your dream no matter your situation God will intervene to help you by man or woman.
III.                 If seen lawyer pointing against you in the court mean guilty accusation, enter into court of God by seven days fast and renounce your accuser with Psalm. 35, 54, 63, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory is sure.


Seen the tree of lemon in your dream and full of lemons mean your journey has yield increase that we not hurt you.
If seen single lemon is a bad omen, mean your effort will be paid with token result, pray against spirit of elusive in ventures in three days fasting Psalm74, 102 pray to God for help physical assistant.

If you know and see this animal in your dream chasing or angrily chasing against you in your dream, mean the higher power in cultist person had been offended be your transgression, be careful how you use your mouth to speak against anybody to be more empower than them. Use Psalm 89 seven times repeatedly for a week
If your kill this creature it’s a symbol of divine victory in your endeavors challenges, begins to praise God always even it may not occur physically but praise Him.

If seen this scrap in your skin in your dream mean is a sign of hatred and quarrel, for this not to happen three days white fasting for the spirit of leprosy to leave you immediately effect with Psalm, 38, 129 drinking and bathing for good three days.


If seen yourself receiving a lesson is a sign of improvement in your knowledge and understanding.


If you received a white envelop with white letter mean good news
If your letter is brown letters is a bad news, pray against sudden bad news that will cause you to surfer by using three day fasting, Psalm 59, 64

If in your dream you are given new license, in circular job or business mean elevation in your venture be happy and prayerful.
If your driving license is ceased by police in your dream mean your work will be taken away form you very soon, if you don’t want this seven days fasting and take your right back with authority of Jesus Christ the saviour in every hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9

If you see caged lion in your dream mean the enemy had been bound under limit.
If seen this dangerous animal in your dream chasing you is a bad omen the higher secret occultism man is leaving around you, they have move power that you, pray to have dominion over them by three days white fast for Holy Ghost to empower you for sings and wonders, you will overcome them.
III.                 If seen a lion with crown on the higher mountain and far away from you, that is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

IV.     If lion or lions chasing your enemy’s that are chasing you I mean people that are attacking you in your dream means God is on your side. Don’t be afraid He appear in His superiority.

It is a sign of female human agent of satan living around your environment, they have power spiritually and physically, don’t despise prayer always and they are dangerous to wound in physical and spiritual,
If they are fighting you in the dream enter into fasting of seven days to regain more power and to have dominion over them on their realm by using Psalm 18, 69, 57

If your lips is wounded sore in your dream mean your husband or wife life is in danger be careful how you use your mind against your spouses. Pray for restoration in your family with three days fasting and Psalm 68, 102, 74


If you lust after man or woman to have sex with them means enemy cage, though enemy had seen something good in you to drill out by using this, get yourself anointed with oil for three days use Psalm 35 only, the spirit of lust may have been injected into your spirit by this dream, look out for deliverance
Be careful how you meditate on sex as practical in your heart ask for forgiveness read Psalm 51, and 62

If you find yourself in this joyful mood in your dream is a bad omen this is what you suppose to do physically, get yourself anointed with olive oil and read Psalm 62, 69 for God to help you and to lift you up surprisingly in your business.



Seen a magician doing magic in your dream mean be careful how you wanted to turn kobo money into million of naira or penny into dollar.


Seeing yourself in the magistrate court in your dream mean you will soon involve in small problems that we belted you by money, problematic dream pray for five days fasting and psalm 17, 82, and 106.


If seen self-drinking cold Malt drink in your dream meaning the bad situation will soon go, even very soon be forgotten, be prayerful to be fulfilled and to be celebrated.


If seen world map in your dream mean God want you to know you are his frontiers, you we travel into very far countries, keep yourself from sin, if sin involve it will not be possible.
if you seen the map of your nation, God is speak to you that new thing will happen or occur that we shake the nation, news good or bad, be prayerful that we not affect you physically.


If seen yourself at the middle of a market buying or selling, mean your fortune is used by source of your familiar gods in your fathers’ household.
If you find yourself in the midst of unknown market is a sign of confusion in your endeavors and in your involvements, pray with three days fast and call upon God of psalm by using psalm 1, 18, 30.


If seeing yourself been mastery over works as controller mean what you suppose to be doing physically is been transfer spiritually.
If someone is mastery over you sent you many work is a bad omen the enemy had not forgives you heartedly, go to man of God to report he or she the Lord will fight for you spiritually and physically.


This is a sign of worthlessness among your mate, get Olive oil and amount yourself for divine elevation and promotion by using Psalm 60 and 64 with three days fasting.


If given in pieces or bundles is a sign of incoming caution, be careful yourself in any matter that involves you


If you are looking at yourself inside the mirror in your dream and seen another person, mean that’s how you’re, it is the work of enemy that elude your physical blessing.
If you seen yourself inside mirror in your dream  looking good and charming mean there going to be a change how people disrespect or dislike you, people will change to help, or in other word your old age in circular.

If biting in your dream and you kill them, a victory over some problems that govern your life presently.


If seeing yourself praying on the mountain with some people mean God want you to come closer to Him be careful how you draw yourself back in the work of God
If you see yourself on the mountain top mean a sign highest level in your spiritual being business always be prayerful, don’t proud

If seen musician singing (The worldly musician) be careful how you follow people speaking the same bad word before it too late for demon to overthrown your spirit.
If seen be careful how you allow hatred or nature hatred in your heart, forgive anybody so that you can be free in all your endeavors.

Seeing mad man in dream, mean be careful of how you think or worry about your present life, give everything to God and read Psalm 16, 87 for transformation


Seeing this farm with robust yield is a sign of prosperity.
Without fruit is a sign of loss in present venture pray with psalm 124, 144, 140, for recovery.

It is a sign of prosperity if ripped.
Unripe attracts patience in desire.
Rotted or decaying mean loss in business venture 2 days fasting and prayer with psalm 24, 124, 50.

If seeing in dream is a sure sign of worthlessness just as faces or excreta on the walls, pray and fast for 3 days with Psalm 124, 39 and 129.
Seeing vomiting, coming out of your body, or in your clothes it’s a sign of deliverance and restoration of yourself from the dead world of the close enemy that are stronger than you be praiseful to Jesus Christ every day.
Seeing in your work, house or in your working instruments shows the secrets of your enemy’s had been lick out, get anointed oil and anoint the place or the object with word of God and read Psalm 90, 91 and 118 loudly one chapter in three times.


Fighting with masquerade in dream means spiritual struggle with familiar enemies.
Ganging up with them symbolizes low spiritual power.
iii.      Masquerade chasing in the dream means closer friend is your enemy’s be careful with those you reveal your heart to, prayer and fasting for successful recovery 3 days hours of prayer 12, 3, 6 and 9 pm.


It is a sign of sudden death expect prayer of restoration to remove this embargo.
If the dressing is incomplete, the victim may not die offer much care, prayer and fasting for 7 days with Psalm 124, 48 and 143.
iii.       Seeing marriage preparation for a known person but neither the bride nor the bridegroom is present show clearly that the two will marry themselves.


Shows a serious problem is on the way. 3 days fasting and prayer with Psalm 24, 59, 70 and 143 help yourself here pray the Psalm.


Seeing ringing in your dream and you pick it and receive it and heard the caller receiver clearly, good thing is on your way being expecting.
If receiving but not hear clearly, is a bad omen pray with psalm 44 to not receive confusion messages.

Some portion of money was giving to you in the dream it will come to pass.
Large cash gift in dream is a sign of doom in business
iii.       Experiencing wealth also Symbolize doom and object poverty. Fasting and prayer with psalm.1, 124, and 59

Experiencing object poverty or spending money in dream shows economic condition will improve drastically. Go for counseling.

½ or ¼ of moon is a sign of down-ward trend in endeavour
Full moon is a sign of progress and exhalation in endeavor that will     arouse the      attention of all and sundry.

If affected in dream indicates that the affected person is surrounded with problems be it economic or social pray with 3days fasting and read psalm 1, and 124.


Seeing glow robust in the dream and started harvesting, it’s a good sign in your adventure such as business, home and spiritual life presently, it’s also a joy in your quest in life if not found in moldy place.
Cooked or given to eat in a dream it’s a bad omen for eating this, mean sickness to one of your system in the inner organ or more, this is the work of the witches desires against their victim, so at this time run away from things you love most, place you loved most and choice of food you also love most to be eating both at home or anywhere at this period. If eaten three days white fasting with Isaiah 40, 56, and 65 read into water three times in a day at the period of your fasting day before you break and bathing before sleep at this period for cleansing in inner and the spirit all together.

Seeing it and drumming in your dream is a symbol of progress.
Being the celebrant with drummers in action is a bad sign pray with psalm 124, 23, and 143, in 3 days.


Newly established business or diversion into such is on the way, prayer for stability psalm 9, 124, 125.


If happen when wake up from sleep renounce immediately.
If it’s common pray with psalm 141 and curse to death anything that may involve.

If black nylon bag is given in dream, also this dream is bad, evil forces had hand over sickness which the roof will not be discover, pray and fast for 3 days in water for drinking only psalm 24,18,140.


If by standing people didn’t mock you, men will come to aid.
If mocked in the dream, desire will be fail or any progress pursue will not be fulfilled. 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm 1, 124,140.

If seen someone born a new baby mean miracle of unusual will happen in the life the fellow and every eye we see it.
If the baby dies is a bad omen, three days fasting, Psalms 91, 1 and 140.

If you bought a new car in your dream is a good dream, you will go out and put your money into worthless business you think, it will help, pray before you do any big things.
If you are given a car key that’s a sure assurance to come wait patiently for it.

If you are reading a newspaper in your dream and you understand it meaning, news is coming to comfort your bad situation.


If you are hearing a strange noise is a bad omen three days fasting to change it into good noise and happiness, Psalms 64 and 70.ALPHABETS AND THIER INTERPRETATIONS

Dream alphabet is one guide that aid people how to organise their dreams alphabetically in our diary or archive. It is the best set of order. Every of our dream needs a good starting from A – Z . All our dreams have to be  written down in order to generate meanings from the word of God. In Gen 1, we read that God created the heaven and the earth. This was done through organising and directing. His vision and plans for mankind was superb. Meanwhile we shall be running series of dream alphabet on this platform in our subsequent post. Stay tuned!


Seeing yourself under the earth meaning the rulers in darkness has been sent to fight you with determination of your ancestors, you have to pray with the Psalm or you will go extra miles in this battle of your ancestors’. Ps. 91, 121, 59, with 3 days fasting prayer time, 9, 12, 3, 6


This is a bad sign of danger and trouble coming. This dream may be directed to you or anybody in the dream. If the dream indicates fatal road accident, then it safe to say that the spirit of untimely death is ravaging. Soak yourself and family with the blood of Jesus. The powers of the devil behind this dream may want to fold your plans. Sometimes, through this dream, God might be sending a warning not to embark the journey. This is the area you need to listen and obey His word. It could bring fear and anxiety. Reject it. Pray with Ps 23.4


This means a life of rejection and hatred. It is a bad sign that no one wants to help you after hearing your story of life. Not everyone you share your story to, bewise. If you dream of abandonment, that shows that someone has forgotten you. Do you have someone who has promised to help you? This dream may disallow him not to render the help. but I pray that you will be remembered in Jesus name. Pray with Ps121:11


This is an awesome dream. With this kind of dream, you are guarantee flying abroad. In a nutshell, abroad dream means a person blessing or glory is about to be spread abroad like Father Abraham. When yourself flying abroad and you landed their safely, congratulations, you have defeated stagnancy and overcome success. If it happens you were unable to fly abroad, or miss your flight as the case maybe, kindly go for deliverance because that could be your last opportunity if care is not taken, God will help you in Jesus name.


Acid is the instrument of darkness. When acid dream becomes so serious, it means you have enemy of progress who is after your life. If the person wickedly poured the acid chemical on you in the dream, it shows that the enemy wants to hinder you, and kill your beauty. Once your skin is damges, it kills the interest of people not to move closer to you. This dream can scatter affairs! Also This acid dream normally occured between woman to woman. Acid is a spiritual chemical that destroy people. Pray with Psalm 28


Accommodation in the dream is a sign of peace and comfort. If you see yourself in a good accommodation is good, if it is bad one, its also a good dream. The most important thing here is that you have a place to stay and live. But if you find yourself accommodating people into your house, I urge you keep doing your goodness, one day, it will pay better for you. Do good at all times one day, you may entertain or accommodate the Holy Spirit. When you are in trouble, this dream should calm you down. In everything, give thanks to God. Pray with Ps 55:22, 1 Peter 5:7

7. ALCOHOL: To drink alcohol is to harbor sin and fornication. If you drink alcohol in the dream, it means that you are putting your life at a great risk or loss. It could lead to death, memory loss and severe sickness. Those who still drink alcohol should repent before problems multiplies  Isa 59:2, Rom 8:35

8. ANT: If you see ant in your dream whether on your bed or in your rooom, sometimes you should ask yourself this question: “Whats ants doing in my room? That should give you a meaning that their presence over there is evil but destruction. You cannot see ants in the dream and expects to grow and prosper. From the ant world, they are angent of darkness that against peoples success. So this kind of enemy work harder to make sure someone fall down at last. If they are much, it indicates problem. Reject it. Pray and fast for 3 days with Ps 28

9. ACTING; The bible says the gift of a man will make a way for him. so what this mean is that God wants you to make use of your talents, gifts and potentials. A a clear symbol that you should never relent on your dream. in a clear term, this dream means you are on the pathway of success and favour.

10. ADDICTED: Addiction is a something that you cannot do without. So if you are addicted to good thing, for instance, reading the bible in the dream, you will be addicted to become a teacher in the physical realm or better said, good things will follow you. but If you dream finding addiction in bad thing, that bad thing will produce bad fruits in your life. Whats your own addiction? Is it negative or positive? deal with it today. John 8:36

11. ADOPTION: Adoption is a case of adopting a child. If you dream where you adopt a child in the dream, if you are an expected mother, congratulations, God has decided to use that child to invite and open your womb. If this dream is regularly, kindly visit a government where you may wish to adopt a child of your desire. Care for the baby and take the baby as your child. You shall see the result of this positive aspect of this dream in Jesus name. (Isa 65:24)

12. ALMOST THERE BUT NEVER. If you are a candidate of this dream, kindly go for deliverance. Every time you dream where you are close to your breakthrough, all of a sudden, a demonic animal or spirit would hinder you. (Oba 1:17)

13. ANIMAL: Seeing animal pursuing you in the dream which indicates spiritual assassins. Enemy always uses snakes, dogs, cats, cows etc, to trouble their victims in the dream. It is dangerous when you keep seeing animals, for instance, snakes biting you, dog barking at you, cat pursing you as if you have aggreement with him. All this dream means that your foundation is weak. It is time stand up and  destroy every ancestral powers using strange animals to attack people at the edge of their breakthrough. Going for deliverance is advisable! (Is 54:15-17)

16. APPEARANCE: This is what we called look. If you dream where your appearance is good , it shows that you will soon receive favour. This dream opens doors of blessings and breakthrough. Appear to people well. But if you dream where your appearance is so bad, it opens doors for rejection, shame and lack. This is a place where people begin to mock you. On the other hand, if your dream where people condemn you for your holy holy apperance, dont worry, this is the place of the scriptue for you (1 Cor 6:19-20, 1 Sam 16:7)

17. APPOINTMENT: This is a symbol of supernatural divine favour. Whatever you are believing God for, is it job, contract job or advancement to a higher level, it is a season of answers prayers. Give God thanks and do not be static.

18. ARREST: This is a spiritual imprisonment and manipulation. When you see police etc that arrest you for the crime you did not committ, It is the plans of the devil to cage you in the prisonyard of delay, setback and regret. If you fail to pray against it, it could catch up with you. But more often than not, pray against any false allegation. Spiritual arrest is the total arrest of your dreams. When a man is arrested in the dream, his dreams becomes useless. When a woman is arrested in the marriage, her marriages suffers. I decree your helper of destiny will not face arrest in Jesus name


Seeing these peculiar men of God in your dream, praying or doing deliverance for you mean you will be free from your present problems. If they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success.


In your dream you see yourself being attacked by hoodlums or thief and you are robbed and wounded. This means that enemies had fulfilled one mission in your life whether familiar or financially to recover back you loses 3 days white fasting, use this Ps. 83 get olive oil read this Psalm into it on each prayer hour 9, 12, 3, 6 for the period of 3 days, get yourself anointed and declare your loses to return fasting in Jesus Name. Psalm. 27.

20. AXE

In your dream you handle an axe or you use it to cut tress or chase your enemies. It is a good dream during your hard and difficulties of life you will always triumph over your enemies but be faithful with God always.


Seeing an apple in the dream means fruitfulness, recovery and prosperity


If seeing aeroplane crash and you saw the explosion with terrible flaming fire burning you will hear news that we shake the part place you saw the accident.
If you heard aeroplane crash and burn in the sky falling, any area good news will be alarm in that place
iii.  Seeing landed is a sign of arrival of good thing to come, pray with night vigil for fast manifestation.


Seeing self-ascending a hill is a sign of incoming progress in present venture.
Descending from ill, it points to gradual loss in business or failure in a planned. For stability, pray over this Psalms 123, 3 days fasting. If seen self softly climbing mountain it’s a bad omens in your endeavors. It means struggle and difficulties. pls. kindly use the direction in number two for solution on fasting and Psalms.


Seeing an angel in your dream means God’s presence and guidance is with you no matter your condition relaxes though you may be in danger at that moment.
If seen angel or angels in your dreams telling to do things that are contrary to the word of God that’s satan transforming as angel of light don’t follow or carry the instruction in your reality because if you do may leads you to personal regression. 1 Cor.11:14

25. ANT

Seeing them in many inside your sugar or otherwise, meaning your gain effort will be eaten or transfer to another person. 2 days fasting with 2 days night of prayer, use this Psalm 24, 50 your progress will return speedily recovery.


Seeing yourself sitting on the ashes, speaking of your level of status in life and this is lowest problematic of life. Psalm 18 with two days white fasting enemy want this to happen to you, you’ve to deliver yourself.
If seeing someone came to rescues you from this place which mean at your status presently you’ll be transform into glorious life be happy and be prayerful always.


If one is hit in dream is a serious attack from the forces of darkness. There’s much to talk about this dream, contact man of God for more detail or three (3) days fasting with Psalm.24, for effective action in your prayer hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9pm daily. Check the prayer point at the back.
If you short people with arrow in your hand in your dream it’s a weapon of victory at the present situation and you’ll in no matter your present challenges.


If you see this animal in your dream or you are attach by this animal, one of the darkness power living around your premises or work at your office, be careful of how you expose your issues when talking together. Micah.7:5, the answer into this situation is to be careful how you behave among people that smile with you when you appear to them.
If you kill this beast in your dream with hand or otherwise you’ll be victorious in your locality or familiarity.


Use the Blood of Jesus Christ within as follows:-

if the wicked dream of retrogression persist, in within three days bled the Blood of Jesus Christ into water for thirty mutinies before you sleep in three days.
if  eating, sexual and otherwise evil as meeting self at the same spot in the dream continue in your life, within seven days bled the Blood of Jesus Christ for an hour for each day into water drink and bath before sleeping for seven days
if persist or don’t see changes please Email me or call I’ll rely with under twenty four hours

31. BAG

If you carry bag traveling school or business bag, it is a dream of transition in your endeavor and what you need is found inside the bag, you will prosper in any engagement of connection.

32. BAIL

Seeing your have been bail out of prison or other yards by someone you know or unknown, mean your term problems will solve be determine, your prayer had been answer, financially you will be surprise physically. Give thank most in your prayer.


If seen yourself baking a beautiful cake or bread, this dream is also a fulfillment in endeavor keep on drying in your venture you will make it
If the cake or the bread is burnt is a bad omen, this means you may not see gain in your business during this time if you don’t want this to happen, 7 days fasting and prayer, time 9, 12, 3, 6, during the prayer and fasting time get olive oil and water, pray into this materials and use this Psalms 128, 129 and 130.


If you seeing yourself eating banana in a dream is a bad omen and problematic in venture, prayer of affliction has to be prayer for with Psalm 86 for 7 times into a cup of water and drink it.
If you are giving in a big basket with unripe is a fair dream, your expectant will not be eluded during your expenses


It is a sign of fruitfulness in venture, if cooked it another transformation of changes in status and levels together with your mate you will reach higher.


If you seen a banner written a word in it in your dream, means God is sending a divine message unto you, be watchful in prayer and fasting to know God’s messages for your people.
If the banner is black is a bad omen, mean the enemy assign your area for bad work be prayerful that the assignment of enemy will not overcome you, because God want you to know this


If you seen yourself been pray in tongue and fire is around with power of God, this also is called Baptism
If seen yourself been dip into Rivers water is also called Baptism, be prayerful to help yourself the more.


Seen yourself without shoe walking in your dream means a symbol of incomplete in your business, you must pray to recover it back with Psalm. 126 with 3 days fasting, and you will testify.
If you are with shoe neat and smart in your leg, belief during this you will be above your fellow, no matter your situation, be happy.


If you see yourself in the barrack of soldiers, means know that you have been captured by the power of darkness, there premises is not secure with civilian, pray for total deliverance for yourself if not it will be difficult to be delivered later in your life, Psalm 46 into olive oil and anoint yourself for 3 days fasting, time for prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and a dream will follow to deliver you and your total freedom of shekels of darkness.


If you seen a lawyer advocating for you, no matter your condition divine help will manifest to intercede on your behalf and you will win in any circumstance


Seen yourself in this condition and situation meant it may appear the same in the physical world, pray against this spirit, it will make you to elude blessing and opportunities get a water read Psalm 49 seven times drink and bath with 2 days fasting, from hence you are welcome into new world of success and boldness.

42. BEE

Seen this insert in your dream chasing you and bitten, mean you must stop speaking against some people around you or in your family, they may be in power of darkness, be careful how you use your mouth against men of great status in the spirit world.

43. BELL

Hearing the bell of prayer in your dream, mean during the time you have to come closer to God and his word.
Seeing yourself ringing the bell in the church or in the street preaching means it’s a message from heaven unto you and unto your generation, see the prophet for this


Seeing yourself blind in the dream is a bad omen, mean the enemy had showed you what to happen or what has already happened that you may not see the end of your life even the good thing people use to see, immediately you wake up use the Psalm 11, 12, 13 in water for 7 times in 7 days drink and bath on the last day with 7 days fasting.
If seen blind beggar in your dream begging for money and you give he or her money is a bad dream meaning the enemy had capture your treasury.
iii. If person you know blind in your dream is a straight forward dream pray for the person. This is hiding meaning


Seen yourself in  the boarding school with your mate mean you have been trying to be above your mate or friends but it’s impossible, read this powerful Psalm 102 into water and pray aggressively for DESTINY fulfillment 7 days into the water with 7 days fasting, time of prayer 12, 3 , 6 and 9.


If seen this creature in your home mean you have been possessed by one spirit
If seen this demon in your offices mean your business had been incarnate by the evil people around you. If you see this demon in your shop mean doom in your venture and it will cause problem of dept solution, 3 days fasting, get water, read this Psalms 27, seven times in each hour of prayer 12, 3 6, and 9 for the period of 3 days fasting, drink and bath with your choice of soap and sponge, victory is sure.


Seen a bottle cover with seal corked and wine is inside, it’s a good dream
Seen it been corked and empty is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and use this Psalms 72 and 38 for prayer to be refilling your success and spiritual ability.

48. BAT

Some of your friends or your neighbors are using double mind with you, so refrain from trusting them or somebody closer to you is about to betray your trust, trust God only


This is evidence of failure in your venture because it does not hold water pray effectively inside a water or small nylon bag of pure water for 3 days each bag for 3 day and fasting, use the water for sprinkling


This is a symbol attack on your glory. evidence of evil forces against you. 3 days dry fasting with Psalm. 59, 83, hour of reading 12 noon, 3, 6, 9pm before prayer.


Seeing the Holy Bible in your dream and you are reading or a passage was giving to you is a message from God. If burnt or stolen in your dream or stolen is bad omen that’s the enemy wants the word of God or your spiritual life to be unaccomplished. Pray for restoration in spirit and physical, 3 days to regain your low estate. Psalm.23, 24, 25


Sure evidence of spiritual cleansing or change of behavior on certain relevant issues. You will definitely change for good result character
If seen self secretly or publicly bathing with sponge and soap no matter your status or situation you will see divine improvement in your endeavors.

53. BALL

Seeing if in dream is a sign of unreliable friendship. Holding it tight means under any situation, their tricks will leak into your hand. If a woman, refrain from unreliable man or boys men who are in love with you for personal satisfaction only


Seeing them together in a different types in their creature is a sign of evil force are holding a meeting, which could be against the person who stumbles on them in his or her dream, in this situation, no need of panicking as doing so this will give them access to win, go on 3 days fasting with the following Psalm 124, 50, 83 use the name of Jesus Christ to rebuke such forces in prayer as for sword of fire to go on your behalf. Rearing bird in a cage, this is a point of your gain been given to feed the other people, use the upper Psalm and pray for restoration of your ventures.

54. BANK

Seeing yourself line up for or awaiting cash, mean you should continue in prayer unexpectedly you will be surprise by money, miracles, prosperity and soon.
If the banker harassed or quarreled with you in your dream, it’s a doom omen 3 days fasting with Psalm 120 to deliver yourself from money hijacker.
iii.                  If the Bank is robbed in your dream, mean devourer had been attacking your prayer  blessing prayer of Psalm 27, 83, 102 will conquer them in 3 days fasting.


Seeing it in dream means you have to be careful on how you use your tongue. James 3:2


Pool of blood , it’s a sign of death, portends dream as auto accident is on the way or similar situation that will happen by blood, 3 days white fasting to avert such situation with Psalm 28, 50, and 86 in water drink and bathing.

57. BOSS

Seeing yourself in dream as a Boss over people and you started controlling men calling you as their master, this is evidence of low estate in the physical world, to reach the top will be unreasonable for such fellow, three days white fasting with the honey to break and salt daily.
If seeing self-holding a head of sward or shape cutlass in your hand at the edge of controlling people to help each other in the field of harvesting or whistle in your mouth blowing to control men and women you’ll be great and future leader soon.


Seeing bullets being put in your gun is a sing of superiority in the spirit realm and physical realm, be careful don’t negate things against yourself.
Seeing it given to you in large numbers, prepare for confrontation that you will overcome very soon.
iii.  Stolen in your dream is a bad omen for this is the work of enemy. 3days fasting with Psalm 109, 90 the Lord will return your stolen ability physically and spiritually. Follow the prayer at the back.

59. BUS

Seeing buses lining in the garages, be careful with the word you speak to those who senior you or else you will be attack by this seniors unknowingly.

60. BUSH

Is seeing yourself in the bush and you see a lining road to the town mean in your present situation or present problem there is going to be testimony.
Meeting yourself in the bus in dream without direction show your present struggle will not yield any result, pray and fast 2 days for pull up of God. Call upon the Lord to make a way for you. Exodus 14:15-22.


Seeing in the dream your house is burning and shouting all over places, calamities in bulk will speedily happen unknowingly by stopping this, 3 days white fasting with night vigil, for this calamities to be powerless over you and your families. Follow the back prayer.


Seeing a bakery bread and bread is made out of oven in dozen sizes with fresh colour it’s an incoming prosperity in business venture.
Seeing yourself buying butter big fresh bread’s a sign of incoming mercy by someone you know.
iii.      If the bread is burn or eating by another person in your dream, it is a bad omen, 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 24, 145 prayer of recovery in business ventures.


Having it in dream is a cautionary sign against the hearer on an issue he/she is interested in, be careful of peeping into unknown matters.


If seeing a single broom in your dream, This is bad omens; it may be directed to anybody, even your enemy. This is not good physically and spiritually.strong/strong sign of worthlessness because one cannot be useful or make places clean, pray for multiple help in your strong endeavor use Psal m 4

Using Bunches of broom to kills flies in your and showsIf they are rebuking you there is a hidden sin in your life, do all your best to resist sin because the sin is your hindrance to the door of your success. status of weapon against enemy’s conspired no matter how things will appear in your confrontations you will win places and rulerships of confronters.ol


Seen yourself in the dream been bury is a bad omen, find out your situation through the spirit of God, mean go to God’s messenger (Prophet/Pastor) for counseling
Seen yourself among the people in the burial ceremony range, mean somebody will die in that period why you will be among them, be prayerful that you may not left out by money


If you seen butchers in the market cutting meat, means the enemy are on there distributing human flesh, pray that non of your family will be victim with this Psalm 91 for ransom and recovery, 122.
If using bunch of broom to sweep means a drastic economic change will take place in your life


If you seen yourself harvesting this kind of cultivated plant means progress and success of foreigner, money will be yours if you kindly wait for God to help you.


If you see empty calabash in you dream is a bad omen, it’s emptiness of life
If you see calabash full of sacrifices in your dream is a bad omen meaning someone using evil mind to use you and dump you.
III.       If you see calabash with water in your dream means problematic in your ventures. Way out is 3 days fasting use this Psalm 83 pray aggressively with the Psalm to empower yourself and enemy we loose power over you in Jesus name.


Seeing a candle with light in your dream it’s a good dream, meaning greatness in your life had started don’t loose hope over yourself.
If you seen above one candle with light mean multi greatness in the venture of your success
III.                 If you seen seven candlestick with light it’s a symbol of God’s perfection end confirmation, that’s God is real in your life and your will be the light for many people in the future.

If you seen seven candlestick without light mean incompleteness with God, pray against your sin heartedly and repent with this Psalm 35, 38 pray for full empowerment

If you are under a beautiful canopy when sun or rain is on, mean someone will come to assist you in the time of your need.
If the canopy is removed by the power of wind or scotch by the sun is a bad omen meaning someone you trust will fail you suddenly trust God accurately in your endeavour.

If you seen cargo in your dream and open different resources is there is a good dream, mean your expectation will become manifestation believe remove doubt to make it happen in time.
If you see cargo in your dream open and empty, is a bad omens means what you have labour for another people have come to carry it away, quickly go into 3 days white fasting, get yourself anointed with oil and pray with this prophetic Psalm 140, 142, hour of pray 12, 3, 6, and 9 you will be restored totally.

If seen yourself or anybody repairing your house through carpentry work mean there’s going to be a transitions in your life, because your house symbolize your body, a good change, it may be character of venture.
If you seen stranger in your roof or your shop as a carpenter removing things without putting another back mean that’s a destroyer get yourself anointed for 3 days with fasting and curse the demonic carpenter to die with Psalm. 18, 20

Seeing this material beautifully on the floor may be your office, home, or shop is a sign of new breakthrough, no matter the condition and status of your business, the change of progress will come.
If the carpet is tire, rough and dirty, is a bad sign, get yourself involve into prayer and reject this portion by anointing your head with olive oil with 3 days fasting and prayer Psalm 20 repeatedly in aggressively.

If you are a business fellow and you saw in your dream cash register machine mean your work will have a lot of again not matter the situation of your business
If seen in your dream a stranger as your cashier in your shop or office while people are buying and paying to he or she, it is a bad omen, curse your devourer to death by using this Psalm 18, 21 with 3 days fasting to regain your loses income.

If you always see casket in your dream in other way you see yourself in it or people are crying for your death in the dream, meaning it simply death, it may appear to you in difficult way, get a prophet that know about dream to be notice without delay.
If seen someone you know in the casket dead is a symbol of long life.
III.                 If seen the casket prepared for your burial in your dream is broken and destroyed mean it’s a symbol of victory over sudden death be thankful by using the Psalm 21, 66 always in your quiet time.


Seen a cat or many cat in your dream is a symbol of enemy, mean one of your neighbors is using power of craft against you, if they attack in your dream use 3 days fasting with Psalm 68 in your prayer point and anoint yourself with olive oil.


Seeing yourself in the cemetery ground is a bad omen, mean death with timing, go and see the minister of God for emergence counseling because is a dangerous dream.
If seeing someone in this place in your dream means directive to the person someone close to you, be prayerful and watchful to avert this evil of un-timing death.

If receive a certificate in your dream, mean accomplishments in your venture, your life will be transform tremendously in your labour, be prayerful all the time.
If seen your certificate tear is a bad omen quickly get yourself anointed on that day of the dream with 5 days fasting using this Psalm 82 into water seven times drink and bath

If seen this creature in you dream is a sign of evil and bad omen, someone you know love to copy you, this how it look like enemy have come to hijack your blessing through your dream by the changing colour of chameleon, pray against satanic chameleon to die instantly or else things will not go fine, Psalm 94, 102 with 3 days fasting get a water and read this Psalm into it, hour or prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 and the chameleon man will die and afford friends.


If you seen chief justice in your dream helping you to advocate against your accuser and your offenders, mean you have to completely leave everything to God, He will fight for you or give your life to Jesus in total submission. God will be glorified in any situation you are.


If you see choir singing in glorious way in your dream, means God wants you to come closer to Him and to use praises for victory over your foes.
If you are the one among choir, changes is coming into your life dramatically that will give your spiritual life an upliftment.

If seen yourself smoking a cigarette or Indian hemp is a bad omen meaning you will go back into your old sinful lifestyles, be careful how you behave and be careful how react to your personal life presently, and how you talk, don’t copy anybody to sweet your feeling.
If you see someone you know smoking cigarette in your dream mean the same.

If seen yourself in the classroom of nursery, primary or secondary school and you wear their uniform is a bad omen mean backwardness in any endeavour. Prayer: rejecting arrow of backwardness and send it to sender instantly through 3 days fasting by using this prophetical Psalm. 64, and 140
If seen yourself in the classroom with some of elders in seriousness willing and teacher he or she in your front teaching all of you, mean you will be add more into your own experience and work, if you are a minister of God see this dream, God is teaching you another lesson in your ministry, don’t be afraid is also a good dream.

If you see yourself inside a mud of clay is a sign of problematic, read Psalm.88 with 3 days fasting, et yourself anointed with oil and pray eagerly to be deliver from sudden problems of enemies.


If seen a cloud in your dream with the glamour is a sign of transition of progress
If it’s a dark cloud is a problematic, mean there is a problem trying to invade your life, use this Psalm. 35, and 44 Ask God for a divine change in your ventures.

If seen yourself been trained by a coach in your dream, football or any other game and you are able to follow the instruction of your coach, yes it’s a messages to you during this time, listen to your parents, guardian or your teacher in the Lord
If your coach is warning or rebuking you seriously in the dream mean, you must stop bad things you are doing and get yourself being obedient to God and man


If this snake attack you mean your neighbors or close person or recognized are using bad mind against you be careful how you expose yourself before them
If you kill this serpent is a victory over your situation or somebody help you kill it in your dream, someone will help you and give you way out at the top of your problem.
III.     If these snakes bite you as a bad sign go and narrate your dream to the minister of God for more explanation of this hidden dream and he or she will tell you what to do next or read Psalm 91 read it 50 times into water and drinks it.


Seen this symbol in your dream, mean blockage of blessing and resources, that’s
Attack is also the same thing in the physical life.

If this cobweb covers you is a bad omen, 3 days white fasting use this Psalm. 52 and 57
into water drink and bath, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 before sleeping.

If using your hand breaking cobwebs in the dreams or other object shows financial changes and transparency in your status.
COCK WITH COMB (Adult Male Chicken)

If you see this fowl in your dream humiliating you, meaning, some of the elder person around are quarreling with you without guilt, report him or her to God or pray against them


If seen this insect in your room means that sickness or disease in your body that’s affecting you negatively.
If seen in your shop it’s the same mean affecting your business, solution read Psalm. 14, 18 into water with 3 days fasting sprinkle the water into your shop or room (Read it 7 times in a day) and drink or bath).

If the cocoa in your dream is full of fruit and flourish is a good dream, the next year will be a glorious year of harvest, be happy no matter your conditions.
If the cocoa tree without fruit is fruitless meaning what you are doing right now will not bring increase of your expectation, prayer for fruitfulness with 3 days white fasting and get olive oil and water read this Psalm 54, 59 into this materials and claim your right aggressively by fire in the name of Jesus Christ. Drink and use for bath.

If you found in your dream a strong box of ornamental mean be patient always in your prayer and in your expectation, your future will be envy by your friends and families.


If you are given a coin in your dream is a sign of poorness, get yourself anointed with olive oil, and pray for 3 days with fasting to renounce affliction out of your life, Psalm 64, 120


Seeing yourself collapse suddenly in your dream is a bad omen, it may lead to downwardness or unbelievable backwardness. Get yourself anointed immediately into 3 days white fasting and pray against the situation using the Psalm 11, 12
If somebody known or unknown came and lift you up means no matter how your business is and the circumstances a divine help will manifest through man.

If seeing self in the cotton-wool field full of boll-wool is a good dream, at this period and years come and after you will experience wealth and land resources that we give you materials need at this moment.


Seen this white shell in your dream, or this is given to you in your dream means it’s an ancient of backwardness, the lower level of poverty is a bad omen, it’s not a wealthy life at all, you have to escape from the cage of the ancient convoyed by using this Psalm. 20, 21, 35, means a lot, get yourself anointed pray aggressively to be delivered.


If seen know that it’s the same meaning with horn of cow at letter.


It is a sign of backwardness, if you are running with your hands and legs you know it’s impossible in the physical world but mean there’s a progress you use your ability to supersedes above your levels. Continue in prayer.


This is a sign and status of powerless in the spirit, if not prayer man at the beautiful gate there’s no miracle again that can save, mean there is no way you can go forward or enemy can use this as evidence to confront their confronter, get yourself anointed with oil for seven days with seven days white fasting use Psalm 106, 80 you will have victory over your paralyzed.


There is children of seacoast (marine creature) living around your domain, be careful of them and stop or reduce playing with people relate you know or stop been a jester.


If it is cross of bad shape mean there’s a practicing of evil religious around you
It is the cross of good shape mean message, all the bad habit nail them to the cross

If seen them in unnumbered mean there’s going to be generation affection that we affect the citizen negatively


If given or found is a good dream, you are going into higher level which your generation had never reached.


It is a sign of fruitfulness in any effort or attempt if harvest abundantly in the dream.
If eating in the dream it’s also a good omen which mean at this time you’ll be part of benefits and profits.
If seeing spoiled in numbers or single is a bad omen and calamities over endeavors to elude this in your life three days white fasting use chapter Joel 2 read into water within three days morning and night, use it before sleeping at night within period of the fasting.

Seeing somebody carrying you with car is assured you will find grace in the side of somebody that’s closer or strange to you or any body.
If seeing your car stolen or hijacked by armed robber in the dream is a bad omen of lost glory of help in your venture 7 days with prophetic Psalm 124, 125. If you don’t do it, help will be far from you.
If car accident and blood everywhere in your dreams, it’s a bad omens and calamities programmed by enemies against you. Read Psalm 118 into water five times within 3 days use before you sleeps at night.

If it is full of water, hope of prosperity is real
If broken, it is also total shattered of hope, prayer and fasting is necessary with the following Psalms if on serious note Psalm 7, 124, and 126.
iii.       If empty, mean hopeless situation, use the above Psalm and the prayer point at the back


If seeing in dream means fruitless effort, particularly if seen on desert which symbolizes barrenness. Pray with 2 days white fasting and Psalm to read 16, 54, 124.
If died is a good dream because your destiny will take new change and progress immediate effect.

If seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.


Seeing furniture only in glamour decoration means honour into higher level of dignity and economically. If sitting on it, it is the same.
If your physical chair at home, office or work place broken in the dream it’s a bad omen which mean you’ll lose your place and position in your authority realms. Use Joel 2, Psalm 118 with 5 days fasting call on your Creator for help and assistance day and night for restoration.

Seeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is necessary.
Seeing yourself band with chains means your involvements or bad behaviour could lead to arrest if not repented of.
iii.                  If seeing yourself band by soldier with guns in their hand, mean the demons had captured you already. This dream can come by sickness and sin, prayer of 3 days to loose yourself with this Psalm 125, 7, follow the back prayer point.


Seeing or capture alive in the dream, means positive active in your request and business.
Seen dead crab is bad omen mean a calamity event is on the way to progress in your expectations pray with Psalm 141, 70 and three days fasting nullify this evil plan of traitors in Jesus name and stand against it continually.

Seeing this with amount written on the cheque means money is on the way that will not be long to reach you.
Seeing being torn, stolen or lost in your dream or without amount written, is a sign of penny less (money less) in your effort to get money, 3 days white fasting with the following Psalms 102, 50, 124, for Divine restoration and recovery instantly.

It is a bad omen, although no one could say it is bad in physical realm but in dream. It is problematic. Three day fasting to avert the problems but if dream does not change before the completion of the 3rd day make it 7 days. Get clean water and plastic key so that one could used such water after the payer of psalms 124, 50, 83 drink, bathe and sprinkle your surrounding and be very skeptical in you dealing with people.
If pregnant and you are carry baby or playing with baby is good dream you’ll experience easy delivery be courageous.

Hearing it in dream is a sign of good news from some where.
If it occurs again, move closer to God in prayer church attendance and learning from scripture reading for confidence.
iii.                  Invited people around you to come to God, you we gain in any labour you are involved.


Seeing such in dream is an indication that you need to change your stand and be faithful to God through Jesus Christ. It means on other source of reliable solution your problem except through God only and it even mean a call to service.


Seeing in speed without limit this is bad omen, this stand for your Angry character, change the way you angry when come to an issues, change before it is too late, Psalm 109.
Or you may be warned, be careful of how you come into matter that will lead to fighting always being careful, you only know the beginning of every quarrel but the end maybe worst, be at peace in any issues! Pro.19: 20.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

If successfully climbed in dream means an important objective will be realistically achieved.
If falling or broken at mid-point means an unexpected failure is in the monition. Prayer with this Psalms. 9, 124, 127. Check the prayer at the back or check site prayer on restoration of status.

If not yet broken, has double interpretation
If the seed is ripped and usually white, your expectation will have the desired result
iii.       If it is spoilt or black in colour, it is sign that expectation will be negative 2 days fast and pray with Psalms 124, 89, 88.


Seeing self cooking food in the dream, your effort on venture will be fulfilled in that period.
In what you are cooking fall and split into the fire, this is bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer that you should not waste your time on what will not be successfully used.

Seeing this often is a bad omen, what you should be doing in the physical world as been practice in the spiritual world, one of the couple had negative mind to-ward the relationship, 3 day white fasting and prayer against evil spirit between two of you rapidly paralyzed with Psalm 24, 83, and 143.


Seeing self been coronate with traditional decoration, means the evil darkness forces had chosen the fellow as their leader, if want deliverance, 3 days white fasting and prayer of deliverance, don’t go outside when doing this. Stay some where to deliver yourself.
but if it’s english coronation you be great in life no matter whatsoever you may be passing through now.

It is a sign of incoming promotion or leadership elevation.
It is burnt, a sign of relegation.
iii.                  If suddenly remove from the head, it is also sign of relegation requires 7 days fasting and prayers with psalm 124, 50, 83, to recover. Follow the prayer it at the back.


If crossed successfully result is positive on expectation
If broken before crossing news from expectation is likely to be negative. Before it manifest fast and pray for 3 days, for total guidance.

Seeing cup in a dream with water or soft drink mean in your shop or office, your money or salary will be benefit to use.
If seeing without anything in your business there’s going to be famine 3 days fasting with Psalm 1, 23, 24, 102. Use the prayer.

Seeing self crying bitterly in dream, mean joyous incident will occur very soon.
If somebody died and you started crying bitterly in that dream the person in whom you dreamt about will surely have long live.

A sign of incoming prosperity and pleasure.
If is suddenly removed, it is relegation either economic or positional 3 days fasting with Psalm 124, 83, 127.

It is a symbol of spiritual power. When held, no hindrance in the bush can hold you back.
If stolen, it is a sign of overpowering by enemy pray and fast 3 days with following Psalms. 11, 124, 50. Be careful how you use your mind and mouth.

Seeing this by waiting young man to marry is successful dream, you will marry that year
If seeing as a young woman waiting for marriage is a bad omen, 3 days fasting and prayer with this following Psalm 121, 124, 125. Mean failure in marriage.

Seeing being carried or ride means someone you know or unknown will help you into a business journey successfully very soon.
If accident or stolen happen in the dream is a bad omen pray and fast 3 days against spirit of relegation in endeavors.



Seeing light in your hand in the darkness, mean God is with you in any state you are.
Without light inside darkness is a bad dream seven days fasting and prayer. Enemy will not overcome you suddenly. Use the prayer at the back.

Seeing somebody you knew that is sick now died in your dream, the person will arise from the sickness very soon.
If somebody you knew is sick and you now dream the person died and put in the coffin is a bad omen the person will die by the sickness.

Seeing this animal in dream mean some of your friends are unreliable. They have double dealing character, you have to be careful.
Seeing dog baking on you in the dream mean sin is arrange on your way be careful of whom you play with.
III.      If bitten in the dream this is a bad omen, if the fellow do not pray very well it will lead to spiritual captive or sin without limit prayer of Psalm. 141, 70 and three days fasting for instant recovery and resurrection.

If playing with you or leaking your hand means some of your former sin trying to come back, be careful how you play with people around you but serious in issues.

Seeing it in dream is a sign of peace and satisfaction, it is an emblem of Holy Spirit and His manifestation in your life. Be faithful to the Lord read always John.14.


If drawing from the well, slightly well means there is fruit in present endeavor.
If there is water but very deep, you will labour before achieving your aim.
iii.                  Drawing water up successfully means present effort will yield fruit.

If you carry bucket of water to fill a large drum, means your effort on your venture will yield fruit don’t give up.
If the bucket is full of water and fall back midway means your present effort though bright it may seem will not yield fruit.
If seeing dry well no result in present venture, prayer and fasting for 3 days with Psalms. 52, 71, 72 use the prayer at the back.

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, you pray with this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.


Drinking it in dream is a sign of incoming comfort and prosperity.
Serving people with it is lack of contentment, even through there is positive and guaranteed income you will not be contended financially, due to several demands. Read Psalms 83. Learn how to be contented and focus on yourself first.

In present reality, it refers to the condition of your business. The condition of the vehicle will clearly show the present posture of your business, for instance a care that is being pushed shows that the business is having serious problem.
It could sometime be a long term plan for this fellow deferred for safer period because of surrounding spiritual or physical enemies. See II Sam. 16:1-15

Drowning in dream without being rescued is a sign of bad omen in surrounding situations. If rescued there is hope of surviving from problems associated with using Psalms. 91, 121, 125. Use the prayer at the back


Seeing dry bones in the dreams is a sign of fruitless effort in business environment. A change of plan will definitely solve the situation with the following Psalms 46, 121, 125 plus three days fasting


If you are unable to hear very well in your dream it is a bad omen. It is a sign of controversy between your close relations, solution be careful how you transport a word and the meaning


If you find yourself under the death blow is a sign of death as it goes, get yourself anointed with oil to reject this portion totally by fasting for 2 days, use this Psalm 91, 125


If seen desk in your dream with offices equipment mean a transition in your ventures positively.


If you are despise in your dream by someone you know, meaning fighting is approaching be careful how you allow satan


It is a sign of blessing from Heaven upon you, this is blessing Heaven had given to you no matter your present situation you’ll excel.


If you pick or given this unusual precious stone in your dream mean you will meet unusual person in your life that will turn around your situation and business into reality at that time. Be expectant extra ordinary miracles.
If stolen from you in your dream bad omens even worst seven days with marathon prayers of Joel 2, Isaiah 62

If seen or reading is a sign of correction and improvement at the particular things you are involved.


It is a sign of mass burial, someone we be buried, you know or acknowledge


If in your dream things and days are dimming is a sign of enemy presence at that particular moment, if this occur in your dream pray against unfulfilment spirit in all your promises, use Psalm. 120, 18, 46


If seen yourself in dream as director of a company is a sign of doom what you suppose to be physically yet your position is not up to this level it is enemy trap. Pray and get yourself anointed fast 3 days white and use this Psalm 17, 35

DIRGE (Mournful Song of Music)

If you see and hear people singing this song in your dream mean very soon someone closer to you will die, it is a bad omen anoint yourself and reject it.


If you are in the position of sickness, you now dream and see a doctor you will recover very soon. If the doctor attends to you in your dream, the symptom will go without drugs.
If seeming self as doctor you will save people and animals, you will be a savior to save life at the prim of
If seen pharmacy, or doctors in your dreams descripts drugs for you in the dream it’s a way out to your presents illness or personal sickness.

It is a sign of problematic in your venture, meaning this is also sign of witchcraft is one of their instrument in there convoyed, get yourself anointed with oil immediately as you wake up and use this Psalm 46, 50 as your prayer point and the Lord will see you through


if you received dollars in the dream, it is a sign of increase, but you must pray and fast very well for this to come to pass, without your prayer, fasting and faith it will not manifest. 3 days white fasting use this Psalm 74, 120 hour of prayer 9, 12, 3, 6
In other words it mean superiority in the spirit if you’re given through envelop.

It is a sign of slothfulness in your venture though things will work out at last.


It is a sign of new chapter in your circular endeavor if opened easily without stress.
If lucked without a key and without opened till you wake up it’s a badl/ollistrongol
trong omen in ySeeing chains like the one used for criminal, means character, be perceived to change your behaviour because is

If your dream fails to fulfill or could not be remembered, this evil spirits work in your life, you pray and cast them out use this Psalm. 124, 123, 125, 126. In water drinking and bathing to cast out spirit of dreadfulness. Your mind had occupy by spirit of dreadfulness, use the prayer at the back.


Dreaming and seeing a dove in your room or around you is an emblem of Holy Spirit, God want you to humble yourself and He wants to live with you peacefully.
If attacked you in your dream is a bad omens check your character towards self and people.

It is a sign of superior enemy the old snake of the world, if seen confronting or attacking or pursue you in your dream, mean the kingdom of satan will war against you very soon or already engage with you in battle, pray for divine assistance from Heaven by 3 days white or dry fasting with Psalm 91 only for this. three times daily in prayer without stop.


If you dream in your dream which mean you have to know the deep and deeper things at T junction you are. Be careful at this time and take note yourself.


Seeing duvet in dirty, tear apart or burnt in your dream on your bed, it’s a bad omen of which the enemy symbol of attack through your sleeping endeavors as they have taking something important in your life. Solution is to pray and fast for two days in order to restore your glory, peace and protection in all endeavours. use Joel 2
Seeing clean in the dream, it’s a sign of peace and rest at this moment in your circumstance. Read Psalm 145

If seeing in your dream walking towards you or reluctantly with you it is a sign of doom correct yourself before God and man, Psalm 38, 39, 43. It is also your present situation pray against, reduction, limitation and backwardness seriously in your life.



It is a sign
of bad omen in your dream, because of bouncing back and repeated the same reflection word or songs. Deeply searching your sin and ask for forgiveness.


If seen an elephant in your dream, the meaning is both
in negative or li
positive. If seen this creature attacking you in your dream it’s a bad omen, meaning the power of darkness powerful than you are waging war against you, continue to stand in the power of Holy God of Heaven.
If seen this creature carrying you at the neck is a sign of been higher in the level of divine help no matter your journey may be at that particular time.

If you see someone embalmed in your dream, it is a bad omen, pray against sudden death is knocking at the door of the person very close to you.


If seen someone you know or yourself been enthrone mean you’ve been assigned to be leader and head of particular assignment that will last for long period and this will bring gain and fortune, wait in prayer always to run away from sin.


Seeing yourself receiving an envelope means you will receive a reward of your task for this appreciation reward.


If you see this minister of God in your dream may be on stage preaching, if seeing in your dream ceremony as occasion and people are eating and drinking with high table guest, very soon joyful promotion will occur on your way because of your situation that is bad, you will be celebrated at last.if seeing on your television or talking to you, whatever he or she tells you to do pls. do it and you will prosper in your life. He or she represented God on earth.
If Fighting with a man of God in your dream please be careful how you gossip about things of God you can be a victim.

If seen this female sheep in your dream mean God had made you a shepherd or guardian over some people at this particular time place, continue your mission over people secure.

If attacked in your dream be careful how you underestimate people around you take note.

If seeing in such devastating destruction, means a mishap, accident or warning, restorative prayer need to be intensified, fast and pray for 3 days with these Psalms 124, 50, 46, 90, white fasting is recommended if serious on note, if this dream continued plus your fasting to 7 days you will win that time.


Seeing earthworm every were in your dream is a sign of problematic and incoming doom, 3 days with Psalms 59, 145 in water for bathing only be careful how you trust people.


Seem this bird soar higher, the coming news and unexpected promotion in endeavours is expectant.
If seeing this bird fighting you in your dream is sign that the enemy is using your helper to fight you prayer of 3 days for the enemy to scatter because of you if you like with fasting.


Giving any type of food to eat or swallow in dream is a poison
If spiritually strong and it is rejected, it is a good omen.
iii.                  Eating meat or fish cooked, given by friend or any one you know, the person is your enemy, be careful with him or her. The plan of the enemy will not materialize after all. Use the following Psalm 123, 59, 140 with three days fasting in clean water for drinking and bathing and sprinkling in your rooms.

Continuation of eating, sensual and fighting in the dreams

The spirit foundational stuck in their victim by the early meal at the beginning of the feeding in the dream, the food, and sex, fighting and otherwise in the dream is poison to soul of Admaic nature. All the active instruments of destruction belongs to the close enemy of soul in the spirit realms, as these become ashes in the spiritual belly of the victim and firmed foundation against the victim and do more in automatic continuation from the starting point to the end. This will continue to occurrence no matter the spiritual appliances to this implication no way-out except from these steps.

Confession and changes old sins, transgressions and iniquities committed knowingly or unknowingly. All this offences strengthen the continuation of eating, sex, fighting, see dead people, retrogression, suppression, oppressions, afflictions, depressed in the dreams against the freedom and etc., this freedom is a processing and patient as you continue in the Will of God.
If sinned against witch, wizard, your father or your mother and otherwise people, as satanic emissaries, all this can strengthen all the affection protracted mentioned above in your dream. Concerning your parents they maybe in cults or belongs to other society, if not they may cursed you and you’ll be under the strong spell word of satanic emissaries as transgressor.
If truly one deny the truth or your parents deny the truth in solemn way as victim in the case one can have evil dreams in continuation as will affected the life without a solution. These examples can be as sin against true man of God, against the true church of God, and against the work true work of God. One can have bad dream without solution until revelation to this.
The solution is to:-

Confess your sins, transgressions, and iniquities by asking for mercy in any area knowingly and unknowing.
Bind the demons in change of the dream experiences and cast them out by faith.
Recover the losses and opportunities you have lost in these personal experiences.
Disconnect any other root or way you’re denied to operate in the high places of life.
Fortified yourself spirit, soul and body with the Blood of Jesus
Ask from God grace to strengthen you always in deny them again and forever in the dream or physical life.
Truly confess Jesus Christ in any or other place such as before men or without men.
Believe in yourself and in your word as you say it! Don’t let anything tell you you’re not right but believe the word of God and His Name.
Any bad or evil signs or appearance stand against it or destroy it immediately.
Be obedient to the word of God without compromised it
Continue in this and you’re the strong against them gradually
Wait patiently for your victory in this term as you believed after prayer and working out your obedience.


Seeing this in your dream you have offended this parents when they are yet alive, confess your sins, transgressions and iniquities to a man of God. You will be free from curses.
Eating with dead parents or any dead person is a symbol of sudden death or terrible sickness. Seven days prayer and fasting with Psalm 91, 25, 59, 90.

Seeing your self in the midst of elders doing meeting always. You are among evil forces unconsciously the solution will be proved by three days fasting and prayer of night vigil.


If it happens in or dream, means in one way or the other God will use your enemy for you. That is why we should not be on the look out for revenges but allow God always for necessary justice.
Seeing shopping with your enemy and he or she buy you things in the grocery shop you’ll see favor more in this time, be peace full.

This is a symbol of incoming poverty and sorrows. Think on how you spent money, to avert these Psalm. 1, 23, and 48.


if given many or single white egg in dream means mercy and grace, people will show to the person.
If the egg is broken or black in color this is bad omen meaning you may struggle to make it and lead to void in life and future this is bad omen 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm.13, 12, 24 for recovering of fortune and inheritance right.

Seeing if flowing away gently shows that the baffling problem will find its way out after all.
If in the erosion means an economic problem or a related issue is likely to burst out pray and fast added to win your superior enemy with Psalm 124, 50, 141 use the prayer at the back.

Seeing self participating in examination means among your mate you will not lag behind them.
Seeing self-failed exam and feel sorrowful whatever you’re passing through will bring out joy for you read this Psalm9, 125, 150
iii.        If one cannot participate in the examination is a bad omen, mean backwardness, cast the spirit of backwardness out with three days fasting and repent of your ancestor’s sin to God.


If your right eye is having problem in dream means someone closer very close to you may be loved one, husband, wife or children may be in sickness, it can cause you to spend unexpected money. Direct your prayer line to such people fast and pray for 3 days with Psalm 124 and 105.



Excreting faeces in dream in the toilet, mean the enemy will not be allowed to cage you, during this particular time, because what they have poison had been excreted out.
Seeing scrap on the wall is minor failure on your business pursued, seven days fasting with Psalm 1, 124, 29, 50, 23, 120.FARM FROG
Seeing in dream is a bad omen, is a sign of terrible disease or sickness, 3 days prayer and fasting with, psalm, 24, 59, 125


Meeting self on a spot in the forest mean pursuit without direction and result in your success stagnancy, for restoration and recovery pray with white fasting in 3 days call on Jehovah Exodus 13, and 14 His make way in the wilderness of life He will make ways for you too.


If many like those reared and are in good shape, means personal business is in good economic condition, but if they are dying or uncared for symbolized poor state of self-employment
If carrying food around and feeding them with different color of fowls mean you will spend money that will not bring income or gain to you, 3 days prayers and fasting for restoration. Psalm 46, 123


If funeral song is heard in dream is proverbial aid realistic 7 days prayer and fasting should offered to avert such occurrence if the dreams occur again visited man of God for counseling use Psalm 60, 46 and 109.

Seeing self working as farmer mean your effort on your venture will abundantly gives fruitful result, when you are in hardship situation be patient.
Seeing a dry farm is a point of unfruitfulness in what you are doing at that present 3 days fast and pray with this Psalm. 124, 60, 143.

Seeing it in dreams in retrogressive or backwardness in your pursuits unless serious restorative white prayer and fasting for 3 days are offered. Use Psalm 1, 24, 141, 89.
If one relaxes in it, show it manifestation

Is a sure sign of incoming sickness and inward diseases. Call on God to restore you back He’s your Creator. Deuteronomy 28
If you seeing someone you know in the position is symbol of changes positive level with the fellow.

If this appears in dream, means spiritual enemies are at work against an eminent personality in the society. If the tree is felled successfully, prevent prayer need to be offered against their plan 7 days white fasting with Psalm. 124, 50 and 83.


If you dreamt, witches, wizards or other evil forces may use their faces as camouflage to destabilize the family, pray with Psalm 46, 91, 125 every day


If fell down in dream, refers to status and standing that such fellow may suffer relegation in business or in society this is the work of the enemy, prayer of stability need to be offered with the following Psalm. 46, 59, 83 and 3 days fasting. O Lord restore me!


If seeing yourself or somebody cutting your nail means changing and up level in your endeavor business.
If the cutting involves blood mean be careful of how you fear and risk in what will not bring gain or profit in your business but vanity.

If a standing dry tree is seen, means present pursue endeavor infertile is bad omen
Gathering firewood for your cooking at the time of challenges is a sign of doom and continuous poverty.
Seeing it in dream also means the same seven days fasting with this Psalm 124, 25, 140 to hardly rebuke stead backwardness in your life and business, also ask for glorious life you’re destined to fulfilled on earth.

Seeing yourself fighting with wild animals male or female, this dream pointing you into awareness and to be careful in everything you are about to say whenever there’s a quarrel, this animals are human being and they are agent of evil forces in this world, this shows thee power, be prayerful, the Lord will give victory over them, if you’re careful to let the Lord fight for you. Psalm 109,
Seeing yourself fighting your friends in the dream, the enemy is using this as a sign of divisions against you and your friends be careful also create a genuine love to win your enemy. Psalm 109.
Settle fighting in the dream mean replacement in between quarreling people.

Seeing or caught alive, in dream is a sign of good omen in business venture.
Dead fish symbolize doom in business ventur.
Dried fish if buying, you will overcome some closer enemy that’s close friend or relative.
4.Eating fresh cooked fish or smoked fish is a sign of sickness. 3 days fasting and prayer for spiritual strength and to excrete the poison far above and over your life in drinking water.


Catching fish with it is a sure sign of success in set goal.
Catching fish with hook is also good, depend on what you have caught
Few catches of symbolize minor success in endeavor
4.Without fish in fish hook or nets is a sign of failure in expectations. For success use Psalm. 124, 141, 48. Use the prayer at the back always.


1.Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.

2.If seeing dead in all over places it’s a great sign in your ventures as you move on into drastically blessing because the enemy’s agents are dead.


Seeing yourself flying boldly above mountains, rivers and soon in the dream is a sign of spiritual power and superiority over your enemies.
Inability to lift up yourself symbolize lower in spiritual power three days fasting with Psalm 123, 46, 123 use the prayer point for divine change.

Seeing self-playing dribble and score goals on the field filled with multitude, is a good omen. Continuing prayer you have reach the peak of success.
Seeing yourself hold the ball in your hand is a sign of favour in business achievements. Peace!
Seeing yourself playing with unable to score, means enemies are too powerful on you, pray with fast 3 days white use this Psalms 124, 62, for the lifting up

If you and your father are fighting in the dream is bad dream, mean the curses of your fathers’ house they are at work to stop your progress, pray and fast 3 days white with the Psalm 68, 89, 120
If you see your father and he’s seriously annoyed and complaining in your dream mean you have done something wrong to this your old man or God in the same with the appearing of your father, find out your sin and it shall be well.
III.       If you see your father happy and smiling with you in your dream, mean you will find he’s favour or God in the same mode to you is a good dream and favor. Be happy.


If seeing something in your dream that causes fear is a bad omen in your endeavour pray against incident that will cause the same physically, Read Psalm 124 seven times into water drink and bath.


If seen fig tree with fruits on the tree in your dream, it is a good and prosperity dream that will affect global life


If you are watching film traditionally or foreign film in your dream theater or on the screen by television, mean what you see on the show is a properly what to happen within seven day or a month, be careful how you allow to use your though.


If seen yourself come out of flooding means the problems you are facing now will soon be over relax.
If seen yourself standing or swimming in the midst of flooding is a problematic in your next journey of progress to remove the problems, seven days white fasting with Psalm. 102, 55, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 complete your seven days signs and wonder will follow you dramatically.

If you are planting flowers in you dream, mean you will work with money, its is a sign of fruitlessness
If you are given a beautiful flower in your dream, mean you will receive embrace that will not profitable or fruitful.

If seen yourself at the fountain of water and you drink from it in your dream, mean the events that will change your local or nation into positive goodness you be at the part of the gain.


If seen this dangerous animal in your dream, mean enemy at their work or to devour your goodness, to prevent yourself use Psalm 91, 121, 125 read this seven times into water sprinkle it into your home and shops.


If you see many fruits in one place in your dream, mean your labour at this time will not be valid, be prayerful and fast for this to manifest faster.


Seeing frog in your room mean a hidden or expose sickness is in your body or even summon on your body. Anoint yourself with anointed oil and cast out the demon by faith and it will obey you. James 5:14-15
Seen this creature killed by you or someone in your dream, it’s a sign of total victory over the enemy’s on the particular area you live as challenges subdue.
If seen in your food, clothes or luggage’s, it’s a signs or symbol of attack on you at this present by witchcraft manipulation against your glory to be poisoning your life and way against self. Ask the Lord for divine assistant and help from Jesus Christ in all your expectations to come true, read Psalm 11 in eleven times into water to bath self for total cleanse.


Seeing a loaded vehicle in the garage portends assurance in endeavor
Vehicles without passengers in dream are a sign of disappointment, pray and fast 3 days with psalm. 24, 124,125.
III.      Seeing large bus parked side-by-side means be careful with your saying among your colleague. For the disappointment not to occur 3 days prayer and fasting to rebuke spirit of disappointment shapely with this psalm 104, 125, 129.


If seeing a garden full of robust garden eggs are sign of success in a pursued endeavor.


Seeing wearing or given in dream is a sign of affliction to off this, pray with fasting 3 days, to remove garment affliction of enemies over you with psalm 124, 109.


Seeing goats in dream is a sign of close enemies, deception and rebellion.
It also represents stubbornness in spiritual realm, change your character, attitude and behaviors towards God and men.
seeing this creature in plenty its a sign of rebellion human generation on earth as being in the dream Matthew 25:31-46

Seeing yourself with this mean success will be complete in your life very soon, pray for fast manifestation. Psalm.104, 109


It is a sign of funeral if one visit the yard constantly pray and fast for 3 days with this psalm 124, 143,125 if occur constantly visit trusted man of God for prayer and deliverance.


Seeing or holding a gun in dream symbolized high spiritual power or superfluity level with Ability
If stolen or something negative happen to the follow this is also sign of poor spiritual power, loan and fast for 3 days for restoration. Read this psalm. 91, 59, 83.
iii.      Hearing the sound of gun in dream, symbolize news that is likely to upset the mind, relaxes you will be happy at the end of all time.


If seen yourself playing any games with person you know in your dream this is also a sign for you to know about the fellow be careful how you reveal your matter to people.
If you win at any game you may be playing in your dream is a sign of successful in your labour.
III.                 If you lose in any game you may be playing in your dream is a bad sign, if you do not want bad thing to happen get yourself anointed with three days white fast in aggressive prayer and use this Psalm 35, 20 pray for changing of status.


If you are standing or seating in the mist of garden in your dream is a bad omen mean is a place of fruitless, no matter your effort in your endeavor pray for divine progress with psalm 60, 64 that God should put you in the fruitfulness changing of circumstance.


If you see gate open for you in your dream mean there is a way out for your expectation
If the gate is lock behind you in your dream is a bad omen use psalm 24 read it seven times in a day to unlock the gateway of success in your venture fast three day break 7pm or 8pm.

If seen giant man or woman in your dream attacking you, it’s a sign of superior enemy. Pray with fast four days for more power in your life to be effective in the fire of God.


If you are given gold in your dream, is a sign of unstoppable goodness that’s unique, don’t play with prayer be serious in focus.
If someone comes and ask for your gold and you gave him or her in your dream is a very bad omen, meaning no matter how you pray against your enemy without receiving the gold back your effort will be valid until you get your gold back, get yourself anointed with 6 days white fast use this Psalm 23, 24, 25, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 daily. Pray for restoration and recovery quickly.

If seen Governor Come to you in your dream, meaning a change is coming expect this and be prayerful towards God’s promises.
If seen yourself won the governorship in your dream, mean your future is certainly fortunate, come closer to God in prayer and indeed.
III.       If seeing this positioned person in your dream and he or she attacked you mean you will be rejected at the pointed of appointment of elevation it’s a bad omen which mean you’ll be rejected by your divine helpers. Pray for your recovery and divine assistant in all your endeavors.


If seen this insect in your dream eating your things is a sign of devourer in ventures, pls, pay and be faithful in your tithes and offerings, pray and fast against it three days fasting Psalm 60, 28


If seen yourself at the grave in your dream, mean enemy has been planning death around you, pray and fast for three days to overcome any plan of death around you with Psalm 70, 72


If someone greets you in your dream with respect is sign of transition how you are going to be embrace by people
If you are greeting with handshake in your dream a new friend will appear very soon.
III.                 If you are greeted wrongly in your dream be careful fighting is knocking on the door and take it easy in any situation.


If you see grinder machine in your dream working, mean the problem in the same situation will be vanish unknowingly.


If seen in plenty and bags its sign of prosperity
If seen in a cup its sign of problematic, three days fasting Psalm 71

If seen this fowl in your dream is a sign of how you behave among your friends and God.

Guinea Pig

If seeing eating your food and stuff, it’s a bad omen which mean the divert and devourer sent to your ventures or to your treasury. To recover this fast for five days with Ps. 126, 127 and 136 into water to bath yourself at the end of each day of your fasting before you sleep at night. Pray for quick restoration in all endeavors.
If rearing this creature in the dream in your house, it’s a sign of secret sickness or illness that is in your body or yet to show up in your body because this house is your body and the creature is a strange creature in your house. White fasting for three days. Prayer is deliver me oh Lord from any secret or hiding sickness that are yet to show up in my life and future in Jesus Name. use Matthew 10:19-20 repeat this Scriptures word seven times in the morning, afternoon and evening fir the period of your fasting time.
If you trap or killed this creature in your dream, it’s a good signs in your endeavors and great fortune will follow instantly without delay. Praise God if you have this dream.

If you see your gum teeth clean and clear is a symbol of clarity and security over your family
But if your gum teeth are wounded and bleeding it’s a problematic in your family. Pray against family problem that wanted to rise suddenly against your family with three days fasting and Psalm 28, 50, 55.

It is a sign of fruitfulness; the groundnut farm is incoming prosperity.
The dry one in the bottle is a sign of token miracle in your life.
III.                 If the dry one is burnt is a bad omens, pray against the power of useless spirit with Psalm 60, 70 three days fasting.


It is a sign of transition if you are playing it in your dream, be careful to serve God
If you see this instrument of music broken in your dream is a sign of doom, enemy are on the way to turn joy to sadness pray in three days fasting use Psalm 21, and 28


If you have a new cut in your dream and you look good is a sign of changing characters
If look ugly is a sign of bad character
III.                 If it is cut roughly and scatter in your dream is a sing of enemy hijacking your right and they have given it to someone, get your self anointed with oil use Psalm 35 read it seven times a day with three day fasting you will recover with faith.


If see handcuffed in your dream means enemy had captured you already, it may be in bad characters or attitudes towards unconvinced of other, is a bad omen. Seven days white fasting, Psalm 30 68, 98, pray aggressively to be deliver, call for God’s help to help you.


If you are harvesting any crops or plants is a sign of gain in your daily task, be careful of how you speak about your dream to people you trust, it is a good dream.
If someone you don’t know is harvesting on your farm in your dream, mean enemy are on the way to over throne you over your right, get yourself anointed, three days white fast break it 7pm or 8pm use this Psalm 80, 102, 135, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory will breakthrough in your ventures

If seen in your dream been wounded is a sign inconvenience in your venture, Seeing it in dream is an evident of failure and worthlessness. 3 days white fasting with Psalm 48, 24, and 124. Use the prayer point at the back for guidance.

2.If seeing dead in all over places it’s a great sign in your ventures as you move on into drastically blessing because the enemy’s agents are dead.

two days fasting use this Psalm 60, 97 that the Lord should lift you up in your endevours that cause this wound


If you see in your head is a sign of weakness, it’s enemy will, to abolish the enemy’s wishes, get yourself anointed with oil pray heatedly with Psalm 70, 25, 102, 121 in three days fasting


If you are admitted in the hospital in your dream, if you are sick, you will soon get healed and better.
If you are not sick but dreamed you are being admitted to hospital is bad omen means your former sickness is about to come back, get yourself anointed with use Psalm 82, 83 read it seven times daily into water drink and bath with three days fasting

If seen yourself at the hotel enjoying in your dream, means the business you are called to do will not give profit that will satisfy you.


If seen yourself singing hymn with hearted praise, mean God is calling you for praise Him as preacher and singer.


Seeing yourself been carry inconvenienHYMN-BOOK/olt heavy load in the
dream mean your present situation will be inconvenient if not praying about it, two day fast with psalm 9 and 92 as prayer poin/strongHEELt.


Good news is on the way if one heard it in dream.


Seeing yourself shaking hand with hands means an old friend will appear or you will meet new faces of peaceful friends you have never know before that will help.


It’s a sign of inconvenience. No matter how rich dependants will hinder the prosperity. Cautionary be faithful, in your tithes and offerings and use your money for God and people need before enemies over come you, and pray for forgiveness of sins, transgressions and your iniquities of the past life.


Seeing a hill cover
ing entire road is a sign of unexpected blocked, it could be financial or spiritual, 3days fast and prayer against hindrances.
If the hill is removed or climbed successful, is a sign of achievement or success in pursued endeavour.


Seeing yourself on the horse running or walking means a journeys with confidence fruitfulness.
If falling on the horse is a bad omen prayer in three days for straight and ableness.
If horse attacked you it’s a bad omen be careful how you underestimate people under your leadership or dominions they can be useful in time of your help and need tomorrow.


Seeing honey comb or its liquid given to you or you eat it, symbolizes prosperity in all business and endeavor.
If taken from you in the dream it’s a bad omen, it will be hard for you in life to possess your possession in life. For recovery use Joel 2 in three day fasting and prayer restoration.

Seeing it in dream shows the mind of people intending to confront you on some issues.
Pursuing you, mean enemies could confront you any time from that night. Seeing the horn of cow means you confront them back with is prayer of 3 days with fasting.


It is a sign of peace in your labour if used
If ice block is fallen like rain on you and every where in your dream is a sign of incoming peace and prosperity, be prayerful to see it happen.
III.       If the ice block turning in red colour that is a sign of doom and calamity pilgrim, four days white fasting with, Psalm 18, 24, 35, 91, against slander of heaven and earth you’ll win in Jesus Name.


If you seen yourself worshiping an idol in your dream, mean the enemy are on the way to repeat your former problems, in other way the idol sprit of your parenthood house are demanding your attention to come back for them, if you are in bad condition this is a temptation that we last in even doom of your life, get yourself anointed first use Psalm 150, 140, pray heartedly to God to forgive your generational sin and to break the curse of it with three days fasting, the victory is sure


If seen holding it in your dream is a sign of great power and supremacy mean in your national you be their leader very soon no matter your present situation.
If someone come and takes it from you or break suddenly is a sign of problematic in your nationality, get yourself anointed with oil and fast for seven day to avert your glory back without compromise use Psalm 80, 83

Seeing your instruments spoiled in the dream and you started repairing it, means your work by that time will be fruitful and progress.
Seeing your instruments being anew in your shop, you will receive a new contract or a new person that will connect you in favor, a partner in business traces.
Seeing your instruments spoiled unrepeatable or stolen, it’s a bad omens in your endeavors mean dryness in your work possessions, pray for mediate recovery use Joel 2, Isaiah 62 in three days white fasting and anoint your place of work and your instruments.


Meaning spiritual infirmities and irresolute lacking firmness of character or a strong will to give alms to a destitute life in your endeavor as a person, Pray and fast 3days with psalm 140, 50.

IRON (Clothes Presser)

Seeing yourself using it to press your cloth means within the period you will look good in your cooperate society.
Seen shocked, stolen or burnt your hand, clothes or skins is a bad amen be careful how you handle thing that come to your life or how you come into people issues that doesn’t concerning you.
If hot iron fell down in your room and break by accident in your dream, it’s a bad omen be always prayerful and watch in spirit sense over your household.


A sad event is in the offing fast and pray against sudden calamities 3days in order to event such event. Psalm 56, 80


It could be direct dream to self, hence it should be interpreted to suit situation that surround the person.
If to overseas country serious prayer must follow it up before its manifestation because satan had seen the plan ahead and witness it, he wish to double cross it, prayer and fasting 7days while follow this psalms 104, 59, 43, into clear water bathing and sprinkle around you also.

Seeing a judges in your dream, judge or execution in judgment against you, be careful of people you are fighting, quit and want for God to if fight on your behave.
If seeing the judge smile to you in your dream don’t be afraid heaven will fight for you.

If seen yourself drinking juice any colour it may be meant at junction of receiving your miracle it going to be easy for you to receive it.
If it fell from your hand and split on the ground mean your convenient right it going to be elude, pray against hijacking spirit with three days fasting Psalm 35, 94

If seen yourself in the middle of tropical jungle forest which mean presently you’re in need and you shouldn’t be afraid and help suddenly occur as a way, or someone leads you out, no matter your condition, you will come out of it very soon, because you have come out of ruthlessly, helplessness of life, unconstrained position at the same period. Praise Jesus all the time.
If found yourself in the middle of the tropical jungle forest without way help or way out, assistant, this is the realm of ruthlessly, unconstrained, cruelly, pitilessly, untamed, unrestrained, unruly, anxious, disheveled, inaccurate of life and no man come to your aids, means the enemy has hand over your soul to the spirit of problematic over your life to be inconvenience throughout the journey, pray for deliverance with three days fasting call on the Lord Jesus your maker. Isaiah 49, 50 and Jeremiah 33 stand in personal night vigil to rescue yourself and to place you into your proper position on time.


Failure to pronounce this Name in your dream, when an evil force controls you shows lower situation and spiritual powerless you are. For more power behind the Name of Jesus Christ, 3days fasting and prayer. Luke 21-15
Seeing the Lord Jesus Christ in your dream means divine encounter in your realm of life and spiritual status, you are growing beautifully and you’ll never remain the same again and again. Great dream!


Seeing the tree in the dream-incoming prosperity of money that will come for that cannot be thief in life.
Giving a kola in the dream, mean it’s symbolizes incoming portion of money that will come for that particular time.
iii.      Seeing been eaten kola in dream raw or dry is a description of poison, pray inside water with psalm 89, 124, 50 to drink.


If seeing in dream mean direction to successful in life.
If seeing the key brake, stolen, lust or change in your hand, it is a bad luck programming of failure from the enemy, it’s a plan three days prayer and fasting with Psalm 24, 59,109.

If seeing knife in dream cut your hand and blood seeing mean you shouldn’t use your mouth against yourself in any matter you are not concern, be careful how you speak.
If someone use knife against you and you’re mark or cut with blood means warning, be careful how you contribute into strange matter and they can use your word against you. Be careful how you come into peoples issues of two or more around you or people that are far off.

If it happens in your dream means calamity or unexpected mishap will happening, with this unstoppable pray and fast 3 day with psalm 46,124,129.


It is a sign of power and authority in one level, if put into lamp is a sign of power increase during the time.
If dry, put on the ground or into water is a sign of fruitlessness in labour, three days fasting using Psalm 85, 86 pray for recovery in sevenfold.

If seen kettle boiling hot water on the fire mean during this time you most be careful handle matter around you carefully.


If seen yourself with king’s dialogue together in your dream mean a transition is coming into your difficult situation, if you can wait your past and present situation will be a story.
If the king is angry with you in your dream, mean you have offended one of powerful man or woman, remedy is to reconcile and resume the issue people.
III.                 If seen you’re crown in a modern way is a fortune of the future be prayerful to be there.


It is a place of transformation, if the meal is prepared and ready you will see a change in your ventures your expectation will manifest


If seen them in your dream is a sign of enemy children, mean some children around your environ are growing for evil, be prayerful to disable their power, and cover yourself with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Psalm 23, 68, 83


If broken and wounded seriously in your dram means your future will be brutal, sickness and wound, pray heartedly to assign your future for recreation and future healing, in other word is your future position that can cause downwardness in your venture get yourself anointed into seven day fasting and use Psalm 77, 60, and 59



It is a sign of humility and peace during this time.


No matter your problem and situation, if this lamp is with light, you will surely come out into city of God on earth. You will be seeing be your helpers.


Seeing ladder in dream symbolizes progressive plan is in the making.
Climbing it means same but closer to manifestation.
iii.            If it is successfully climbed means the progress will definitely come to light.


Progress can never surface in present struggle. Ask God to help you 1 chr.4:9-10
If other source of water flows in there is hope in this employment. Utilize the income effectively.
If the water suddenly changes colour, enemies are at work, 3days prayer with the following psalm 50, 70, 125.

High illumination means progress in all rounds.
If it is dull requires prayer for success and recovery.
iii.      If suddenly extinguished requires prayer for sudden recovery. 4 days fasting and prayer with psalm 124,50,124 to pray


Sadness related to the issue been laugh with in the dream is on the way, prayer for successful recovery with 3 days prayer and fasting.


Seeing this creature in your dream is a symbol of close enemy, be careful of how you are close to people around you during the time you dream about lizard be wise or else fight will occur.


Seeing your roof leaking and water is coming in, means very soon you will park out of that house.
Otherwise the leaking roof may mean under minded by spiritual forces. Intensify prayer for successful recovery with 3 days fasting and prayer.

This dream shows human effort in all endeavors or someone shouldering heavy load in the family responsibility.
If it lifted up successfully, shows success behind it.
iii.            If inability to lift it means total failure. Pray and fast for 3 days with psalm.124,61, and 104


If seeing in dream, means heart-felt and unexpected news is on the way. Before its manifestation pray and fast 3 days with the following psalm. 71, 59,105


If seeing in their thousand, in dream, is a sign of loss, remedial prayer 7 days fasting and prayer with psalm 46,1, and 14, if a Christian please rectify if tithe is not paid correct yourself.


Seeing such long lane without exit to other street that lead to endless lane, mean resolution on an issue or endeavor.


If seen your landlord collect his key or return your money back to you in your dram, mean very soon you will leave the house.
If your landlord or landlady come to fight you in your dream and ask you to pack out immediately and you did, that year or month you will pack out of that house, look for another house. Or you’ll be confronted wrongly them in strange allegations, ask for wisdom and let it help you if you’re not ready to come out of the house.
If your landlord or landlady makes a word of harmony, favor and friendly with you in your dream you will see his or her favour always than other tenant.
If you’re a landlord or landlady your tenant do otherwise as mentioned up, the same replication will occur to you just be wise as you’ll eat from the fruits of pleasures.

If carry your cloth to the laundry man in your dream mean cleanness and transition in your venture and your circumstance will take a new look.
If the laundry man watch your cloth roughly in your dream this is also a problematic in your expectation towards your business. Two days fasting use Psalm 16, 18
III.                 If the laundry man says your cloth is not with him or stolen is a bad omen mean the plan of enemy is about to be fulfilled get yourself anointed into three days fasting use Psalm 35, Job 18 for divine recovery in your fortune.


If you see wings and garment of lawyer on yourself in your dream mean you will be use in certain level to help some people and to rescue them out of danger.
If seen lawyer advocating for you in the court in your dream no matter your situation God will intervene to help you by man or woman.
III.                 If seen lawyer pointing against you in the court mean guilty accusation, enter into court of God by seven days fast and renounce your accuser with Psalm. 35, 54, 63, hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9 the victory is sure.


Seen the tree of lemon in your dream and full of lemons mean your journey has yield increase that we not hurt you.
If seen single lemon is a bad omen, mean your effort will be paid with token result, pray against spirit of elusive in ventures in three days fasting Psalm74, 102 pray to God for help physical assistant.

If you know and see this animal in your dream chasing or angrily chasing against you in your dream, mean the higher power in cultist person had been offended be your transgression, be careful how you use your mouth to speak against anybody to be more empower than them. Use Psalm 89 seven times repeatedly for a week
If your kill this creature it’s a symbol of divine victory in your endeavors challenges, begins to praise God always even it may not occur physically but praise Him.

If seen this scrap in your skin in your dream mean is a sign of hatred and quarrel, for this not to happen three days white fasting for the spirit of leprosy to leave you immediately effect with Psalm, 38, 129 drinking and bathing for good three days.


If seen yourself receiving a lesson is a sign of improvement in your knowledge and understanding.


If you received a white envelop with white letter mean good news
If your letter is brown letters is a bad news, pray against sudden bad news that will cause you to surfer by using three day fasting, Psalm 59, 64

If in your dream you are given new license, in circular job or business mean elevation in your venture be happy and prayerful.
If your driving license is ceased by police in your dream mean your work will be taken away form you very soon, if you don’t want this seven days fasting and take your right back with authority of Jesus Christ the saviour in every hour of prayer 12, 3, 6, 9

If you see caged lion in your dream mean the enemy had been bound under limit.
If seen this dangerous animal in your dream chasing you is a bad omen the higher secret occultism man is leaving around you, they have move power that you, pray to have dominion over them by three days white fast for Holy Ghost to empower you for sings and wonders, you will overcome them.
III.                 If seen a lion with crown on the higher mountain and far away from you, that is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

IV.     If lion or lions chasing your enemy’s that are chasing you I mean people that are attacking you in your dream means God is on your side. Don’t be afraid He appear in His superiority.

It is a sign of female human agent of satan living around your environment, they have power spiritually and physically, don’t despise prayer always and they are dangerous to wound in physical and spiritual,
If they are fighting you in the dream enter into fasting of seven days to regain more power and to have dominion over them on their realm by using Psalm 18, 69, 57

If your lips is wounded sore in your dream mean your husband or wife life is in danger be careful how you use your mind against your spouses. Pray for restoration in your family with three days fasting and Psalm 68, 102, 74


If you lust after man or woman to have sex with them means enemy cage, though enemy had seen something good in you to drill out by using this, get yourself anointed with oil for three days use Psalm 35 only, the spirit of lust may have been injected into your spirit by this dream, look out for deliverance
Be careful how you meditate on sex as practical in your heart ask for forgiveness read Psalm 51, and 62

If you find yourself in this joyful mood in your dream is a bad omen this is what you suppose to do physically, get yourself anointed with olive oil and read Psalm 62, 69 for God to help you and to lift you up surprisingly in your business.


Seen a magician doing magic in your dream mean be careful how you wanted to turn kobo money into million of naira or penny into dollar.


Seeing yourself in the magistrate court in your dream mean you will soon involve in small problems that we belted you by money, problematic dream pray for five days fasting and psalm 17, 82, and 106.


If seen self-drinking cold Malt drink in your dream meaning the bad situation will soon go, even very soon be forgotten, be prayerful to be fulfilled and to be celebrated.


If seen world map in your dream mean God want you to know you are his frontiers, you we travel into very far countries, keep yourself from sin, if sin involve it will not be possible.
if you seen the map of your nation, God is speak to you that new thing will happen or occur that we shake the nation, news good or bad, be prayerful that we not affect you physically.


If seen yourself at the middle of a market buying or selling, mean your fortune is used by source of your familiar gods in your fathers’ household.
If you find yourself in the midst of unknown market is a sign of confusion in your endeavors and in your involvements, pray with three days fast and call upon God of psalm by using psalm 1, 18, 30.


If seeing yourself been mastery over works as controller mean what you suppose to be doing physically is been transfer spiritually.
If someone is mastery over you sent you many work is a bad omen the enemy had not forgives you heartedly, go to man of God to report he or she the Lord will fight for you spiritually and physically.


This is a sign of worthlessness among your mate, get Olive oil and amount yourself for divine elevation and promotion by using Psalm 60 and 64 with three days fasting.


If given in pieces or bundles is a sign of incoming caution, be careful yourself in any matter that involves you


If you are looking at yourself inside the mirror in your dream and seen another person, mean that’s how you’re, it is the work of enemy that elude your physical blessing.
If you seen yourself inside mirror in your dream  looking good and charming mean there going to be a change how people disrespect or dislike you, people will change to help, or in other word your old age in circular.

If biting in your dream and you kill them, a victory over some problems that govern your life presently.


If seeing yourself praying on the mountain with some people mean God want you to come closer to Him be careful how you draw yourself back in the work of God
If you see yourself on the mountain top mean a sign highest level in your spiritual being business always be prayerful, don’t proud

If seen musician singing (The worldly musician) be careful how you follow people speaking the same bad word before it too late for demon to overthrown your spirit.
If seen be careful how you allow hatred or nature hatred in your heart, forgive anybody so that you can be free in all your endeavors.

Seeing mad man in dream, mean be careful of how you think or worry about your present life, give everything to God and read Psalm 16, 87 for transformation


Seeing this farm with robust yield is a sign of prosperity.
Without fruit is a sign of loss in present venture pray with psalm 124, 144, 140, for recovery.

It is a sign of prosperity if ripped.
Unripe attracts patience in desire.
Rotted or decaying mean loss in business venture 2 days fasting and prayer with psalm 24, 124, 50.

If seeing in dream is a sure sign of worthlessness just as faces or excreta on the walls, pray and fast for 3 days with Psalm 124, 39 and 129.
Seeing vomiting, coming out of your body, or in your clothes it’s a sign of deliverance and restoration of yourself from the dead world of the close enemy that are stronger than you be praiseful to Jesus Christ every day.
Seeing in your work, house or in your working instruments shows the secrets of your enemy’s had been lick out, get anointed oil and anoint the place or the object with word of God and read Psalm 90, 91 and 118 loudly one chapter in three times.


Fighting with masquerade in dream means spiritual struggle with familiar enemies.
Ganging up with them symbolizes low spiritual power.
iii.      Masquerade chasing in the dream means closer friend is your enemy’s be careful with those you reveal your heart to, prayer and fasting for successful recovery 3 days hours of prayer 12, 3, 6 and 9 pm.


It is a sign of sudden death expect prayer of restoration to remove this embargo.
If the dressing is incomplete, the victim may not die offer much care, prayer and fasting for 7 days with Psalm 124, 48 and 143.
iii.       Seeing marriage preparation for a known person but neither the bride nor the bridegroom is present show clearly that the two will marry themselves.


Shows a serious problem is on the way. 3 days fasting and prayer with Psalm 24, 59, 70 and 143 help yourself here pray the Psalm.


Seeing ringing in your dream and you pick it and receive it and heard the caller receiver clearly, good thing is on your way being expecting.
If receiving but not hear clearly, is a bad omen pray with psalm 44 to not receive confusion messages.

Some portion of money was giving to you in the dream it will come to pass.
Large cash gift in dream is a sign of doom in business
iii.       Experiencing wealth also Symbolize doom and object poverty. Fasting and prayer with psalm.1, 124, and 59

Experiencing object poverty or spending money in dream shows economic condition will improve drastically. Go for counseling.

½ or ¼ of moon is a sign of down-ward trend in endeavour
Full moon is a sign of progress and exhalation in endeavor that will     arouse the      attention of all and sundry.

If affected in dream indicates that the affected person is surrounded with problems be it economic or social pray with 3days fasting and read psalm 1, and 124.


Seeing glow robust in the dream and started harvesting, it’s a good sign in your adventure such as business, home and spiritual life presently, it’s also a joy in your quest in life if not found in moldy place.
Cooked or given to eat in a dream it’s a bad omen for eating this, mean sickness to one of your system in the inner organ or more, this is the work of the witches desires against their victim, so at this time run away from things you love most, place you loved most and choice of food you also love most to be eating both at home or anywhere at this period. If eaten three days white fasting with Isaiah 40, 56, and 65 read into water three times in a day at the period of your fasting day before you break and bathing before sleep at this period for cleansing in inner and the spirit all together.

Seeing it and drumming in your dream is a symbol of progress.
Being the celebrant with drummers in action is a bad sign pray with psalm 124, 23, and 143, in 3 days.


Newly established business or diversion into such is on the way, prayer for stability psalm 9, 124, 125.


If happen when wake up from sleep renounce immediately.
If it’s common pray with psalm 141 and curse to death anything that may involve.

If black nylon bag is given in dream, also this dream is bad, evil forces had hand over sickness which the roof will not be discover, pray and fast for 3 days in water for drinking only psalm 24,18,140.


If by standing people didn’t mock you, men will come to aid.
If mocked in the dream, desire will be fail or any progress pursue will not be fulfilled. 3 days prayer and fasting with Psalm 1, 124,140.

If seen someone born a new baby mean miracle of unusual will happen in the life the fellow and every eye we see it.
If the baby dies is a bad omen, three days fasting, Psalms 91, 1 and 140.

If you bought a new car in your dream is a good dream, you will go out and put your money into worthless business you think, it will help, pray before you do any big things.
If you are given a car key that’s a sure assurance to come wait patiently for it.

If you are reading a newspaper in your dream and you understand it meaning, news is coming to comfort your bad situation.


If you are hearing a strange noise is a bad omen three days fasting to change it into good noise and happiness, Psalms 64 and 70.

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