Marrying a marine agent as a wife

Heaven Host
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I perceive that God has designed it that men and women who will serve Him should pass through different spiritual wilderness experiences. The tough challenges of this School of adversity is expected to draw the man or woman closer to God and cause him learn how to pray fervently until victory is achieved.
The problem now is that the wilderness is full of enemies, the Amelekites, the Perezites, The Jebusites, and the giants who have refused to let them go. One of such enemy confronting existing and upcoming ministers of God today is the error of marrying ladies sent to destroy them from the marine kingdom.


These ladies are enemies of destiny prepared by Satan and his kingdom to stop the kingdom assignment of the prophet, Pastor or man of God. I have seen great prophets of God who see vision clearly and prophesy accurately, yet they are still struggling in ministry because the activities of the internal enemies.
The error is so grievous that when you marry the daughter of Satan, the devil has unfettered access to yout. It becomes a tragedy that a man called by God to destroy the works of Satan, ends up marrying the daughter of Satan as his wife, such a Pastor will suffer long in the wilderness of life.
The choice of a life partner can be an icebreaker that could make or breaking the man. It can determine how far and successful the man will go in life. If you get it right, God applauds you with open heavens and blessings (Prov18:22), if otherwise,  the heaven closes over you and the consequences can be painful and frustrating.
The reason for this blog is to expose the strategy of Satan in this area and warn young  and single Pastors and ministers to beware.  It is also to help those men of God who are suffering this problem in silence to know that deliverance is available through Jesus Christ.
Let me start by advising young men who are in love with a sister they intend to Marty to look beyond the beauty, but rather ask God to reveal the spiritual position of the lady and her parents to you before you propose her.
It is not enough for her to be intelligent, well educated and cultured. Beauty is not the first qualification for a woman of God, it is her love for God and her fear of the Lord.  When God reveals the family of the girl as lovers of God, then you add her beauty and other qualities as genuine. If this enquiry is not made or God simply decided not to answer you, then you don’t have a bride yet.
To say that you love her so much as to ignore this simple spiritual enquiry is foolishness. If you become obsessed by her beauty and outward commitment to the things of God in your local church and ignore to enquire about her parents, don’t be surprised if you discover later that your innocent-looking girl is the daughter of an occultic grand master, by which time, it is too late to make amends.
By the time you have married her, you know you have broken the hedge, get ready for battle, for the serpent will surely bite.  She will be a thorn on your flesh till God delivers you from their network.
This was how my 18years of fierce spiritual battle started. I was a young man with so much love for the things of God and highly committed in my local church. Though I knew I had a Call, it was not confirmed and I was not a Pastor yet. I loved righteousness and had no girlfriend before meeting her, but my spiritual understanding was low. I believed all things as the bible said we should. I never knew that you should test all spirit before you believe.
After three years in marriage without a baby and nothing seem to be working for me, I began to question everything around the marriage and my complaints did not go down well with my wife who contacted her family and the real battle began. This gentle looking lady began to deal wisely with me, frustrating in the spirit, every move I made for employmet,  business  and in ministry for the next fifteen years.
I loved my wife and cannot imagine she could have a hand in my misfortune, talk less of her being responsible for spiritual roadblocks to hinder my progreas.  She became more subtle and followed me closely into every business undertaking I ventured into.
There are two categories of servants of God the enemy target with his daughters from the water. These are:
1.People with oil of God on their head, who are not even aware.
2.The second category are young and unmarried  Pastors, Ministers and Evangelist in churches who are getting ready to enter the ministry.
The primary purpose of Satan and the agent sent on the assignment are:
1.The first plot is to hold the man down, divert his attention from the work of God into other areas of life and gradually kill his vision.
2.Take away his means of livelihood (Employment or business) and ensure money does not flow into his account from anywhere. When that happens, power has been wrestled from him at home.
3.Make sure his Ministry never see the light of day. If it does, do every thing possible to close it down.
4.lf he insist on ministry, manipulate him to a fake Prophet, who will initiate him into the marine kingdom and give him fake power.
5.When the above fails, then that Pastor is in for endless spiritual battles meant to purnish him and if possible destroy him.
It is a living spiritual kingdom established by Satan when he was driven down from heaven. The marine Kingdom initiates and support every plan to turn man away from God in disobedience.
Because the spiritual controls the physical, they are more powerful than any natural man’s imaginations and thoughts.  They have spiritual beings – kings and queens presiding inside the water. On earth here, they have their agents everywhere, who gather every night to discuss the kingdom of Satan and how to make the people commit more sin and rebel against God to their destruction.
These agents live amongst us, attend churches, some even preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, but inwardly, they are agents doing the agenda of their master the devil.
They have a spiritual eyes that can see into the spirit realm at any time to know what will happen and with these secrets, its easy for them to steal or divert the blessings of people.
In the world today, the marine kingdom is responsible for 70 – 80% of the troubles of man.  From divorce, pornography, bizarre nakedness, prostitution are caused by marine spirits. Today, marine spirit tell people to walk naked on the beach. They have devised new methods  to initiate young people into prostitution through online registers. They tell people to sleep around, irrespective of what the word of God says. The aim is to ruin the youths and society in general.
In the Western world, their members manufacture cosmetics, jewelries, bangles, cosmetics,  sex toys, artificial Virginia, cream for  enlargement of pennis, sexually motivating drugs and so on.
There are several marine spirits (demons) which could possess a man and use him/her to achieve the purposes   of satan.  Some of these include:
1.Celibate marine
2.Marine Jezebel
3.Marine witchcraft
4.Leviathan spirit
Let me discuss a little about some of these spirits.
Celibate marine spirit – These are spirit that operate in the lives of marine agents who are consecrated to the work of satan and to wickedness.  They have no interest in getting married, but if they get married, they do not want to have children. Their wives cannot enjoy the marriage and she will soon leave or get killed.   This spirit operate in the lives of most Territorial strongmen of Satan.
Marine Jezebel spirit – operate in both male and female. They are more active in their female members.  Such women are usually fashion conscious, rebellious and aggressive. They seek to control and dominate their husband and will not stop till they achieve their purpose.
Leviathan Spirit – This is a brutal marine spirit responsible for mass killing.  People possessed by this spirit are usually filled with suicide thoughts.  They walk alone when they are planning evil, so that no one will get to know and then try to discourage them. When you read that a boy shot 15 of his class mates, Leviathan spirit had possessed him.  This is the spirit that posses a young man and cause him to kill an unfaithful lover, her mother and brother all at once for the offense of the girl.
Marine Witchcraft spirit – This is the main spirit that operate in the agents sent from the water as wives.  They operate like mother witches. They are subtle, yet deadly. They have the power to leave their body into the water (spirit) at any time to do evil.
The devil hates anyone who could be a threat to his kingdom. So, the plan to arrested an anointed servant of God, even before he enters the ministry is one of the strategic weapons of Satan against the Church.
The devil will present innocent looking ladies from the water to a young man committed to serving God, or to a young unmarried Pastor.  These young ladies operate with high level of secrecy, patience and deception.
They would normally have good education, appear well cultured, obedient and humble. They pretend to be born again to win the heart of the man and prepare the ground for his down-fall.  Majority of them also have wealthy family background.
They come lovely at the beginning with the air of a spirit-filled born-again daughter of God who cannot hurt a fly. She would not be the flashy girl that wear trousers, or make-up excessively; No, she would present herself as that committed sister, a soul winner and a worthy labourer in the vineyard of the Lord, and the Pastor would unfortunately accept all these fake report as true.
So, she is seen as an ideal wife for a man of God. The marriage is quickly arranged and consummated.  From my experience, 90% of these delicate marriages are made when the men are not deep in God, though they are born-again, so adequate spiritual investigation are not carried out.
1. When you discover that shortly after your marriage, things began to fall apart for you. Things that were easy before that time are no longer easy.
2. When you loose your means of livelihood shortly after your wedding, say within two years after your marriage.
3. When your wife does not like to have any of your relation living with you or around you.
4. When your wife find it easy to relate with men instead of women. She is comfortable with male friends in the office and in the compound as though there is nothing to worry about.
5. When your wife joins you in every business endeavour you venture into, whether she understands the business or not.
6. When your wife likes to make casual visit to her male colleagues and if you allow will like to retain some of her male schoolmate friends. They fall cheaply to male marine agents and value their friendship a lot.
7. When your wife tells you she will not like to have more than  3(Three) children. She would normally have no reason for that decision, except to live a vibrant life.
8. When there is barrenness in marriage for five or more years and it does not bother your wife and her family.
9. When your effort to succeed in career or business is always doubted by your wife.
10. When your wife begins to spread the news that the barrenness in your marriage is due to the husband’s low sperm count.
11. When your ideas discredited by your wife fail on execution regularly.
12. When your wife is happy to be the “bread winner”.  Believes her income is sufficient for the family.
13. When your wife keep asking whether your effort will yield any positive result.
14. When your wife suggests you should focus on business or career instead of ministry.
15. When in ministry and your wife is continually doubting your Calling just because the church has only few members.
16. When you find it very difficult to obtain help from known and unknown sources. When favour  is completely hard to come bye.
17. When you are in ministry and your wife continues in her old church.
This is a serious problem facing Pastors and vibrant men of God today. It is capable of wasting the entire effort of the Pastor and send him to hell fire. These women are destiny hunters who will eventually initiate the children born to the marriage and use their star to gain promotion in the covin.
I fought this battle for many years before victory started coming.  I resisted the conditions I found myself, but found out there was no one to help me. Families and friends deserted me and I was alone.
When the battle became tough, the network of human demons, Rulers of darkness were gathered against me. As God would have it, the first grand master and strongman in charge died.
The Lord arrested him and the battle changed, became tougher. When the Pastor is about to be completely delivered, the battle becomes very brutal, the devil increases the powers of the woman, but God would always show you that you are higher than her and even the territorial strongman.
Thank God for our Saviour Jesus Christ who conquered Satan and handed victory to us.
After eighteen years, God turned around my captivity, put me in charge, renewed His Calling upon my life and gave me fresh priority areas to attend to in ministry.
God can do the same for you speedily. With prophetic insight and guidance, your deliverance and restoration will depend on your willingness to obey instruction.  The question is not who saw your star when you were born. No! The question is what have you done to regain your freedom?
The Lord God Almighty will give you the keys to your freedom as you join us this  month in our Fire in my bone conference.

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