Prayer Points Against Barrenness and Infertility

Heaven Host
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In Genesis 1: 27- 28: ”So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

Barrenness does not mean you are not going to conceive or give birth again. Never! That’s not true. Because a doctor’s report that says you have infertility in your womb should not make you entertain all kinds of  fear.

If you still entertain fear, I want to ask you: Whose report do you believe?

The word that you speak to yourself are spirit and life. If you continue to speak faith and believe in God’s word concerning your case, your home shall surely be fruitful in Jesus name.

Hannah cried out to God in prayers and God answered her prayers.

The reason many women are encountering barrenness or infertility in their marriage is due to the fact that they are creating problems for themselves with their mouth. Most times, barrenness are not programmed by the devil, neither are they from God.

The bible says, ”death and life are in the power of the tongue.” When you begin to use your mouth to condemn your husband or blame him or his people for one problem or the other, then you are chasing God away in that marriage and inviting the serpent to continue to sow tars into your marriage.

You can win this war against barrenness when you surrender your life to Christ. Revealing your secret life to your husband. Asking God for mercy and forgiveness. Increasing your faith. I pray that, may God restore your womb after these following prayers in Jesus name.

INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am – 3pm. It is advisable you and your husband take these prayers. if your husband is not with you, then you can take it alone. Use Apple fruits to pray.

Praise and worship Him whole-heartedly.

Give God thanks for all He has done for you. For every good thing you have received in life.


(Take this prayer with 3 days fruit fasting)

1. Thank God for your family and marriage.
Father, I appreciate You for Your kindness, goodness, favour and mercy to me.
2. I thank You my Creator for all the blessings You have given to me. I am grateful for granting me divine protection, provision, perfection and restoration.
3.  Father God, I give you praise because you are worthy. There is none like you. You alone are God, the Most High. You reign supreme in my life and over all creation.
4.  I thank You Father because You are not man that You should lie, neither a son of man that you should change Your mind. (Numbers 23:19).
LORD, I believe You will fulfil every word You have spoken concerning my life in Jesus’ name.
5. Confess your sins to God and ask Him to forgive you. “Father, I confess every sin I have committed before you. Be they sins of omission or commission, I beg for Your mercy.
6. Please, forgive me. Have mercy upon me and wash me clean with the blood of Jesus Christ.”
7.  Father, forgive me, in any way or in any form I may have brought barrenness upon my life and marriage; and heal me, in Jesus’ name.
8. Jehovah God, I come before you today to receive all the blessings you have destined for me.
9. I receive the power to be fruitful in Jesus’ name.
LORD, make me fruitful and release multiplication upon my life and marriage in Jesus’ name.
10. Because the Scriptures cannot be broken, I cannot be childless or unfruitful in any area of my life in Jesus’ name.
11.  I break every curse of barrenness upon my life in the name of Jesus Christ.
12.  Every power of darkness inflicting unfruitfulness upon my life, I bind you in Jesus’ name.
I destroy every cord of barrenness tied around my marriage and family in Jesus’ name.
13. I revoke every ancestral covenant of barrenness in my family and marriage in Jesus’ name.
14. I nullify every covenant of barrenness operating in my marriage originating from my family side or from my spouse’ family side in the name of Jesus Christ.
15. The Word of God says, “.whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever I shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”(Matt. 18:18 KJV).
Therefore, I bind and destroy every seed, root, shoot or fruit of barrenness in my life and marriage in Jesus’ name.
I loose upon my life and marriage all of God’s blessings of fruitfulness in the name of Jesus Christ.
16. Every evil river drowning my life and marriage in barrenness and unfruitfulness, dry up in Jesus’ name.
17. I destroy by fire, every buried or hidden object, sustaining barrenness in my life and marriage in the name of Jesus Christ.
18.  I am fruitful in every way; according to the Word of God in Jesus’ name.
Father, bless me with good and healthy children in Jesus’ name.
My womb is fertile and reproductive in Jesus’ name.
19. My reproductive system is healed and restored in Jesus’ name.
20) I refuse to agree with every decree holding me bound in the city of barrenness and unfruitfulness in the name of Jesus Christ.
21.  I release the children God Almighty has given to me, to come forth into the physical through me in Jesus’ name.
22. Every gates holding back my children from being born, I destroy by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.
23. Father, I pray You restore every part in me that has been tampered with or negatively affected; and has brought barrenness upon me in Jesus’ name. Lord, heal me totally.
It is written, “.by the stripes of Jesus Christ, I am healed.” (2Pet. 2:24) I receive total healing and restoration upon my body and reproductive system in Jesus’ name.
24. Father, in Your Holy Word, no-one who truly serve You, remained neither barren nor unfruitful. My God, I cannot remain barren anymore in Jesus’ name.
I refuse from my life and marriage every form of barrenness and infertility in the name of Jesus Christ.
25. I destroy every powers of darkness or personality causing miscarriage in my life and marriage in Jesus’ name.
I reject miscarriage from my life and marriage in Jesus’ name.
I shall conceive and give birth naturally, in due season, in the name of Jesus Christ.
26. I reject every medical result or report that says I cannot give birth in Jesus’ name.
Prayer points:
27. Every seed of barrenness injected into my life and marriage, die by fire in Jesus´ name!
28. Every source of barrenness in my life and marriage, die by fire in Jesus´ name!
29. O God arise in your power and fertilize my life and marriage by fire in Jesus´ name!
30. O God water and nuture my life and marriage to fruitfulness in Jesus´ name!
31. Every known and hidden cause of barrenness in my life and marriage die by fire in Jesus´ name!
32. O God let your fire come forth and consume every power initiating and promoting barrenness in my life and marriage in Jesus´ name!
33. Every inherited seed of barrenness in my life and marriage die by fire in Jesus´ name!
34. Every evil river of barrenness drowning into my life and marriage, dry up by fire in Jesus´ name!
35. You barrenness in any area my life and marriage, I command you to die by fire in Jesus´ name!
36. Every source of barrenness in my finance, die by fire in Jesus´ name!
37. O God arise in your power and kill every source of barrenness or miscarriage in my finance, life and marriage by fire in Jesus´ name!
38. Every foundation of barrenness in my life and marriage, scatter by fire in Jesus´ name!
39. Every tap-root attaching my life and marriage to barrenness,die by fire in Jesus´ name!
40. O God arise in your power and nullify every verdict of barrenness against my life and marriage in Jesus´ name!
41. Any covenant of barrenness entered into against my life and marriage,die by fire in Jesus´ name!

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