Heaven Host
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Pastor Bo Ra Choi has been pastoring a small church in South Korea whose members have been praying daily for 7 hours with fasting.



Pastor Bo Ra Choi had a vision of Hell a few years ago and saw so many people in this place. She saw the prophet Mohammad suffering in Hell.



Mohamed was shouting and screaming at her not to come to Hell. The audio was recorded in the local church in South Korea during the worship service. She testified in Korean what she had heard from Mohamed.



This pastor also saw in this place many people like the former South Korean president, Buddhist monks, etc. Heaven and hell do exist, she says And Jesus is the only way to go to Heaven.



Here is her testimony and tells what Mohamed had told her in hell:



“You don’t know who I am? I am Mohamed! I was making big mistakes. I was an idiot. I have sinned tremendously. So many people have fallen to Hell because of me. I have committed the greatest of crimes, the greatest of sins. I am doing wrong! I did wrong! I did it because I was so poor!”



“I wanted to be responsible for many people and I wanted to be like JESUS. I have thus committed great crimes. I was killing so many people. Do not congregate in mosques! You all die if you come together for me, Mohamed! Disperse yourself! Do not congregate! If you come together like this, you will also be used by Satan. You will be used if you are unified for Mohamed. Without JESUS, all go to hell.”



“It’s so hot! … It’s so hot! … Get me out of here! … Get me out of here! …”



Mohamed is in the lava of the lake of fire. He’s trying to escape from this lake. His flesh melts and afterward, I see his skeleton.



He continued to shout, “There is no paradise you can think of in Islam. These doctrines have been falsely expounded. There is only Heaven and Hell. Islam has been changed. I repeat: There is no paradise that Muslims believe in! Don’t destroy your life with these false doctrines.”


“I was not to talk about these false doctrines. They have been changed. Read the Bible! Read the Bible! It will show you how to get to Heaven! There is no Heaven in Islam.”



“I did not write this false theology. These documents were written by people who tried to imitate me. These reports become like a Bible of Islam (the Koran), which veils the Word of JESUS. Out of the question! I hadn’t written those!”



“Please listen to me! I am here in this Hell! I am here in Hellfire. I am suffering from this great punishment because I have been used by Satan.”



“Do not throw your lives to Satan. Don’t be loyal to me, Mohamed! It is Satan’s scheme to take you to Hell! Satan will use you for this doctrine (Islam)! I just wanted to be a leader of a nation. However, Muslims have gone in the wrong direction. I didn’t want it. This is not what I wanted for them. I don’t want wars (Jihad).”



“I had caused many battles and wars to build my own nation. Do you know why? Because I was so poor when I was a kid. I had started so many wars to found my own nation. I just wanted to increase my power in order to win the wars. Why has Islam changed so much? If you really want to be loyal to me, walk away, scatter, and don’t listen to your leaders. They lead you down the wrong path. They are destroying lives because of it.”



“It is time to believe in JESUS CHRIST, who is the Son of God, as your SAVIOR, because HE died on the Cross for your sins; it is time to repent of your sins and surrender everything to JESUS. JESUS is the only way to go to Heaven (PARADISE)!”






Many Muslims around the world have already encountered the truth. And the TRUTH is JESUS CHRIST Himself.


Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14: 6


God reveals Himself to Muslims in such extraordinary ways because His desire is that all are saved.


God has been looking for men since the fall of mankind. When Adam and Eve sinned, they ran to hide. They felt ashamed and guilty for disobeying God. However, God comes into the garden, and calls them, “Where are you?”


Sin separates men from God. Therefore, Adam and Eve were cursed, and had to leave the Garden of Eden and lose the intimate relationship with the Creator.


However, it was not only Adam and Eve who were cursed, but also the serpent. When God announced the punishment to Satan to deceive Adam and Eve, He said, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your posterity and her posterity: the latter will crush your head, and you will hurt the heel.” Genesis 3:15


He who crushed the head of the serpent is JESUS CHRIST. The Son, and God Himself. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall rest upon his shoulder; and he shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of peace.” Isaiah 9: 6


God’s plan to reestablish an intimate loving relationship between men with Him is incredible! Someone who is born of a woman, would know how to overcome Satan, and destroy his power! In his struggle, the victorious one had made him endure the evil inflicted temporarily on him.


“But He was wounded for our sins, broken for our iniquities; the chastisement that gives us peace fell upon him, And by his stripes we were healed.


We were all wandering like sheep, each one followed his own the way; and the Lord has brought down upon Himself the iniquity of us all: He has been mistreated and oppressed, And He has not opened His mouth, like a lamb which is brought to the slaughter, like a sheep. silent before those who mow it; He does not


He was taken away by anguish and retribution; and of those of his generation, who believed that he was cut off from the land of the living, and slain for the sins of my people? His tomb was set among the wicked, His tomb with the rich, though he had not committed violence, nor was there fraud in his mouth.

It pleased the Lord to break him with suffering … After having given up his life as a sacrifice for sin, He will see a seed and prolong his days; and the work of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.


Because of the work of his soul, he will satisfy his eyes; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many men, and he will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will give His part to Him with the great; He will divide the spoil with the mighty, because he gave himself up to death, and was made among evildoers, because he bore the sins of many men, and that He interceded for the guilty. ” Isaiah 53: 5-12


In the Garden of Eden, God sacrificed an animal to cover the shame of Adam and Eve. The same as JESUS did on the cross. To cover our shame and our shameful act, to cover our sins and the consequences of sin, to cover our grasp, our guilt, and our sinful nature. He died on the cross. He shed His precious blood on the cruel cross for me and you, so that we can never be in shame and sin.


Yes, Adam and Eve sinned and brought death and curse into this world, but Jesus came to die on the cross. He shed His precious blood to save us from eternal death, tears, sorrow, pain and curse.


JESUS came to give us eternal life. We can receive this wonderful life, which Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden – a life full of blessings, a life of peace and joy. If you have not yet received this life, today is the day of salvation. Invite Jesus into your life, and you will never be the same!


I pray that many more Muslims will find this truth and have eternal life someday with JESUS!


God bless you !

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