no idolater, no one who is greedy and no liar will inherit My Kingdom."(Eph. 5:5)

Heaven Host
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But I asked, "Lord, why is he here? He used to preach at church." Jesus replied, "Daughter, no fornicator, no idolater, no one who is greedy and no liar will inherit My Kingdom."(Eph. 5:5)  I replied, "Yes, I know that is true, but I want to know why he is here, because he used to preach to multitudes of people!" And Jesus responded, "Yes, Daughter, he may have said many things, but he would never speak the truth as it is.  He never said the truth and they know the truth and although he knew the truth, he preferred money over preaching about salvation.  He would not offer reality; would not say that hell is real and that heaven also exists; Daughter, now he is here in this place."

When I looked at this man, he had a large serpent with needles, wrapped around his throat, and he would try to take it off.  I pleaded with Jesus, "Lord, help him!"  The man would scream, "Help me, Lord; have mercy on me; take me out of this place; forgive me!  I repent, Lord; I want to return to Earth, I want to go back to Earth to repent." The Lord observed him and said to him, "You very well knew.  You knew very well that this place was real...It's too late; there is no other opportunity for you."

The Lord said, "Look, Daughter, I am going to show you the life of this man."  Jesus showed me a huge screen on which I could observe how this man offered mass many times to the multitudes.  And how the people who were there were so idolatrous.  Jesus said, "Look, Daughter, there are many idolaters in this place.  Idolatry will not save, Daughter.  I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me, no one saves.  I love the sinner, but I hate sin, Daughter.  Go and tell humanity that I love them and that they need to come to Me."

As the Lord was speaking, I began to see how this man received multitudes of coins and bills; money, all of which he would keep.  He had so much money.  I saw images of this man seated on a throne, but I was also able to see beyond that.  While it's true that these people do not get married, I can assure you, I'm not making this up, the Lord showed it to me, those people do sleep with nuns; with many women there!  [1 example]

The Lord showed me these people living in fornication, and the Word says that no fornicator will inherit His Kingdom.  As I was watching all of this, the Lord told me, "Look Daughter, all of this which I am showing you is what goes on, what he lived and what keeps on happening among many people, among many priests and popes existing." Then he told me, "Daughter, go and tell humanity that it's time to turn to Me."

The Lord showed me a place where many people were walking to hell.  I asked Him, "Lord, how is it that they walk to this place?" He replied, "I will show you."  He showed me a tunnel with many people walking through it.  These people were chained from hand to foot.  They were dressed in black and carrying a load on their back.  Jesus said, "Look Daughter, those people that you see there, those people don't know Me yet.  That which they carry on their backs is sin, but go and tell them to turn their burden over to Me, and I will give them rest; that I am He who forgives all their sins...Daughter, go and tell those people to come to Me, for I await them with open arms, and go tell them that they are walking to this place."

As I was watching the people walking, I said, "Lord, that person over there is my cousin; that young man is my cousin, Lord, and that young girl coming down is also my cousin; my family is coming to this place!" He replied, "Daughter, they are walking to this place, but go and them where they are walking, go and tell them they are walking to hell.  Go and tell them that I have chosen you as my watchman...I have chosen you as my watchman, for it means that you are to tell the truth.  You must go and tell all that I have shown you.  If you do not speak out and something happens to that person, his blood will be poured over you, but if you go and do as I have told you, then that person has an account with me.  If the person does not repent, then the responsibility resting upon you will be lifted, for the account will rest upon that person and his blood will not be poured over you.  (Ezekiel 3:18)"

Jesus told me that many famous people were walking to that place, famous and important people.  Take for example, Michael Jackson.  This man was famous all over the world but he was a satanist.  Although many people may not see it that way, but it is the truth.  This man had satanic covenants: He came to agreement with the devil in order to achieve fame and attract many fans.

Those steps that he performed, that's the way I saw demons walk while tormenting people in hell.  They would slide backward and not move forward, while they shout; enjoying the anguish they impose upon the people.  Let me tell you that Michael Jackson is in hell.  The Lord showed him to me after Michael died.  He let me see Michael Jackson tormented in flames.  I cried to Jesus, "Why?" It wasn't easy to see how this man was being tormented and how he would scream.  Anyone who listens to Michael Jackson's songs or sings them or who is a fan of Michael Jackson, I warn you that satan is trapping you in his web so that you will end up in hell.  Right now, renounce it in the name of Jesus!  Jesus wants to set you free, so that you will not be lost.

The Lord said, "Daughter, there are also people who know Me, that are walking to this place." I asked, "Lord, how can people who know You also come here?"  He replied, "That person who has left My ways and that person who is living a double life." He started showing me people who were walking to Hell.  They were tied from their hands to their feet. 

They each wore a white garment, but it was torn, stained and wrinkled.  Jesus said, "Daughter, see how My people have walked away from Me.  Daughter, I want to tell you that I am not coming for these people.  I am coming for a holy people, ready, without blemish, without wrinkle and without defilement...Go and tell them to return to the old paths." (Eph. 5:26-27)  I started to see many of my uncles and many other people who had walked away from the Lord's ways.  "Go and tell them that I am waiting for them, to surrender their loads to Me, and I will give them rest." Jesus was weeping, "Daughter, they are coming this way.  Go and tell your uncles; go and tell your relatives that they are coming this way!  Daughter, many will not believe you, but I am your faithful witness, I am your faithful witness.  I will never leave you.  Even if they do not believe you, Daughter, go and tell them the truth, for I am with you.  I will also show you, Daughter, how people arrive at this place."

We went to a tunnel where there were a multitude of people falling into the abyss.  Not 1 thousand, not 2 thousand, but as many as the sand of the sea, countless.  They were falling by the second, like handfuls of sand being thrown down.  The souls were falling rapidly.  Jesus was weeping, He said, "Daughter, this is how humanity perishes; this is how it is lost!...Daughter, it hurts Me to see how humanity perishes."

Jesus said, "Demons also hold meetings in this place." And I said, "Demons hold meetings?" Jesus said, "Yes, Daughter, they meet to plan, to plan what they will do to humanity.  They hold daily secret meetings." And with that, Jesus took me to a cell, where I saw a wooden table with chairs around it.  And there were demons – all types of demons.  Jesus explained, "Daughter, they are now planning to go and destroy the pastors' families, the missionaries, the evangelists and all of those who know me.  Daughter, they want to destroy them; they have many darts."

The demons would laugh and mock and say, "Let's destroy humanity and bring it to this place."  Jesus said, "Go and tell them that I am with them.  Tell them to not leave open doors, to leave no place to satan, for satan walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.(1st Peter 5:8)" But the Word says, "he walks as", because the only real Lion, is the Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Revelations 5:5)!  Jesus said, "Daughter, they especially want to destroy the pastors; family." I asked, "Why do they want to destroy the pastors' family?" And Jesus responded, "Because they are in charge of thousands of people that are the sheep of the fold; the sheep of the fold that the Lord has given them.  They want these people to return to the world again; to look back and end up in hell...Go and tell the pastors to speak the truth.  Go and tell them to preach the truth and to speak everything that I tell them and to never keep to themselves what I tell them!"

Ben 10As we left that place and He told me, "I want to show you something else... There are also children in this place." And I replied, “Children in this place, Lord? Why are there children here?  Your Word says, 'let the children to come unto Me, and do not stop them: for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14) Jesus replied, "Daughter, it's true, of such is the kingdom of Heaven, but that child must come to Me, for he who comes to Me I will not throw out."(John 6:37) Instantly, the Lord showed me an eight year old boy being tormented in fire.  The boy cried, "Lord have mercy of me, take me out of this place, I don't want to be here!" He kept crying and screaming.  I saw demons around this boy, that resembled cartoon figures.  There was Dragon Balls Z, Ben 10, Pokémon, Doral, etc.  "Lord, why is this boy here?"  Jesus showed me a large screen of this boy's life.  I saw how he would spend all of his time in front of the TV, watching these cartoons. 

Jesus said, "Daughter, these animated cartoons, those movies, those soap operas that are seen daily on TV are satan's instruments to destroy humanity...Look, Daughter how this came to be."  I saw how the boy was rebellious and disobedient toward his parents.  When his parents talked to him, he would run away, throwing things and disobeying them.  After this happened, a car ran over him and ended his life.  Jesus told me, "Ever since then, he has been in this place."

I looked at the boy as he was being tormented.  Jesus said, "Daughter, go and tell parents to instruct their child as is written in My Word.  (Proverbs 22:6)" The Word of God is real, it tells us to correct a child with the rod, but not every moment, only when the child has been disobedient to his parents.  (Proverbs 22:15Pokemon

The Lord told me something that is very sad and very painful.  He said, "Daughter, there are many children in this place because of animated cartoons, because of rebellion."  I asked Him, "Lord, why are animated cartoons to blame for this?" And He explained, "Because they are demons that carry rebellion, disobedience, bitterness and hatred to children; and other demons enter these children, so that they do not do good things, but do that which is bad: whatever children see on TV, they want to do in reality."  Hell exists, hell is real, and even children must decide with whom they will go.  I said, “Lord, tell me, why are there children in this place?" And Jesus answered, "Once children have knowledge that there is a heaven and a hell, then they have a place to choose."

The Kingdom of Heaven

There's much more to be said about hell, but now I'll share what I saw in Heaven.  Jesus said, "Daughter, now I am going to show you what I have prepared for My Holy people."  We left that place, going out through a tunnel.  While traveling through this tunnel, we suddenly came out to where there was light.  I saw no more darkness, torment or flames.  He said, "Daughter, I am going to show you My glory,” and we started ascending to the Kingdom of Heaven!  Soon we arrived at a door with giant letters written in gold, it said: "Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven."  Jesus said, "Daughter, go in, for I am the Door and he who enters through Me, will enter, will go and will find pastures."(John 10:9)

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